James McAvoy (right) with Forest Withaker and Kerry Washington (left) in the Last King of Scotland
Am I good worker? That is subject to debate. I'm very hard on myself, but it should be so because I get lazy sometimes. Look at these past few days. The reason for my laziness? I need an off day, which I haven't gotten one for more than a week. I know elections are coming soon, and I can kiss my precious off days goodbye, but I need a time-out before the parliament is dissolved.
I sure hope I could get off tomorrow.
There a lot of problems which I need to iron out before we "berperang" and work like crazy people for the polls. ahh...the late night ceramahs, the unbelievably dirty tactics used by politicians and their supporters, the tagging along with candidates from both parties, the many many political rallies, Nomination Day, Polling Day....wohoo.
For now, I hope that I'm healthy and happy throughout this election season. And I can't wait to meet Greybits when she comes up north. Coolness.
Since I haven't written in a while, here are other things on my mind:
Anugerah Juara Lagu
1) Of course Estranged was going to win. Did you listen to their song? And check out the venue- Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil- which is one of the biggest indoor arenas in the country. Estranged won because the band fed off the energy and vibe of the stadium, man! And hello, "Itu Kamu" is very suitable for big stadiums such as Stadium Putra.
"Itu Kamu" has a killer chorus which sounds great when performed live -cause it's fairly easy to sing along to. Then it has that great part- where the song goes Itu kamu .....(drums) Itu Kamu...(drums) itu kamu.... Man if I was a rock star, I'd demand my audience to sing that part with me. And yes, vocalist Rich did ask the audience to sing along, though half-heartedly. But I think many people did sing along. Sublime.
Even the orchestra blended well with the track, and mind you it ain't easy combining the rock-ness with violins.
To be fair, there were other outsanding performances, namely Jaclyn Victor and Lah's duet, Fazley Zainal, Nora, and even Bob.
I'm still disappointed that Khaer did not perform "Izinkan ku Pergi". But his replacement did an OK job, but I still can't get Khaer's haunting vocals in the original recording out of my head. (by the way, what happened to Khaer?)
The four hosts were funny. I prefered Faizal and Farah Fauzana because they were slightly more natural- they can be comedians lah- compared to Ally and Cheryl
2)Chinese New Year. Personal note: finish up CNY work.
My sister and brother-in-law are taking my mum to Bangkok for CNY. And I may not join them. Argh...why not joining them? Erm, I suppose the answer is work, you workaholic person, you.
3) Just watched my "Last King of Scotland" DVD. I know the film is soo....last year but what to do? Though I love the main actor( Forest Whitaker won the Oscar for Best Actor for his role) I love the Scottish dude actor cause I can relate ( a bit ) to his character. Ye lah....young doctor. Graduating from medical school. His dad, who is also a doctor decides to take in sunny boy into the family practice. Sunny boy freaks out at that prospect, and decides to treat patients in an exotic foreign country- and picks a country by ( everybody should do this) spinning his miniature globe in his bedroom and pointing his finger at the first country he points at, whilst saying " first place you pick, you go". Cue comedic moment when his fingers point at Canada! But the second country he points at is Uganda- woohoo. So off sunny boy goes to Uganda. He only works a day with a rural clinic which is run by Britons. Then he meets General Amin, the famous murderer dictator of Uganda, the two hit it off and instantly become friends. Amin digs the Scottish culture and Sunny Boy digs, well anything exciting and unknown (weren't we all like that when we were young?)
So Amin offers him the job of personal physician. Sunny boy gains the trust of the general and ends up becoming like a presidential advisor. But problem arises when Sunny boy falls for one of Amin's four wives. The wife was played beautifully by Kerry Washington. Oh yeah, by the way, one of the stiff-upper crust Brit doctors was played by- Gillian Anderson of X-Files fame. I love these women. I want to have their babies and have many Robert Deniros, Dustin Hoffmans and Meryl Streeps. Gosh....?@!# Back to the movie, Amin's wife ends up pregnant with Sunny Boy's child and a lot of gorry scenes unfold....involving slaying of people, including main female character. Yikes and very 'the' explicit. Sunny Boy tries to escape but can't because his passport had been stolen. Amin tortures Sunny Boy in a very torturous scene,(duh!) involving hooks attached to ropes which are pierced into Sunny's chest and hoisted into the air. Gruesome! But all ends well when a doctor friend takes down Sunny boy and treats his injury. Compassionate Doctor sneakes him out on a plane meant for pardoned hostages (you gotta see the movie, dude) . At the end of the movie, you may go " Holy shit, that was totally gruesome, lah. I want my mommy, " and all that. But beside that, you wil be in AWE of Forest Whitaker's dynamite star turn as the murderous Ugandan president Amin. And maybe, if you are like me, a guy who graduated from uni and worked at odd-jobs before finding that "great adventure of a experience" kind of job, then you will be going like, " WHOOAAA, MANNNN...!"