I type my username. That's what you call it. And then I type in my password. The swiftness of my logging into the webiste signifies how used I am to doing it. The blue edges of the computer screen shows it is Facebook, the ultra popular social networking website that's the object my online affection. For some people, it's the first thing they do in the morning, and the last thing they do at night.
Since I had my Blackberry smartphone, I have joined the bandwagon.
Honestly, I could not care less about the darn phone. But like they say, once you go black you can't go back. I probably could not survive an hour without my Blackberry.
But things may change. Maybe the Blackberry and iPhone would become the minimum requirement of mobile phone coolness. I just wish Nokia would regain its popularity. But then again, maybe it will...soon.
The sun sets in the evening. It rises again in the morning and it's a brand new day.
It was a nice day for me. A day that began at Three o'clock in the afternoon. Half the day Wasted but it's alright. I went out with friends and made a new one. Had some fun.
That's the bachelor's life, I suppose. No need to look too deeply into it. There's no reason to psychoanalyse it in any way. I am healthy and happy. I get my mood swings. I have been thinking of giving up. But I don't know when. Maybe it'll be at year's end or maybe it'll never happen.
The notion of "getting my shit together" is something I always say. My life is all about getting my shit together. So there your go. It's a continuous cycle. So while I'm here, I might as well enjoy the ride.
Seven years ago I began working in this company, all green and naive. All bright eyed and bushy tailed. Now, I am in this position. Back in my hometown. I should be thanking my lucky stars.
I'm learning to play piano, and that gives me a lotta joy. It's kick arse, is what it is.
So who is complaining?
***(painting from the William Barnhart studio )
Keep on reading, ya.
It's crazy! Almost everyone I know have either of those... I'm fast becoming a social 'pariah' of sorts because of my lack of the high-tech socializing tool... Ahh, well... my phone still works fine... maybe...
I don't mean to be rude and vulgar, but...
Stop being such a pussy...don't just talk about it...
Cut the crap and JUST DO IT ALREADY!
Can't wait to read all about it...
Keep writing.
You try to be in my shoes for a minute, and see how easy it is. There are many many things that I don't articulate in this blog about my life. So if you think you know me, then you better say it. Because unless you are a qualified counselor, or had actually taken a masters in caunselling, or maybe if you were a bit humbler, I would actually listen to your advice. Heck, I simply would appreciate it if there was less of that condescending tone- and maybe a little more sharing of your own experience - in your comments.
With that said, thank you for reading and do visit my blog again.
OK, I may have been too critical of my readers in this blog. I appreciate your views as I feel that blogs should remain a two-way form of communication. So, thank you for your views because I appreciate them a lot.
Keep on reading and keep on commenting, and by all means keep on smiling.