Move along
I am confused, scared, in a daze yet worried. I am stressed out yet cool as a cucumber when it comes to sorting out my belongings.....Ah, yes folks. It is yet another transfer for Mister Ramblinging.
After one and-a-half years in the smallests state in Malaysia, I am being transferred elsewhere. This time, my destination is more familiar- it's my hometown. And so the pressure is on for me to prove my mettle. I'll be in familiar territory so I have to make sure I am "da bomb". But it'll be a new experience because I have not lived at home for the past 12 years.
The last time I lived at home, I was a budak hingusan of 15 years. Back then, Friends was the number one comedy on TV and Take That was still hip and happening with "Back For Good." My only memories of Hometown come from my childhood and half of my teenage years. My late teens and 20s were spent mostly in KL, the north and shortly in the East Coast.
I'm definitely not the same person I was when I was 15.
The first difference that come to mind is the fact that I smoke. I've been thinking of ways to tell my folks how I need to puff occassionally. Oh wait, I would first have to tell them that I smoke. My brother knows that I smoke, but not my folks. During vacations at hometown, I'd usually walk down to the nearby mamak restaurant or step outside on the house porch whenever I need a drag.
We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. It's not like I'm a perokok tegar. I still can control myself. If I have to step outside everytime I need a drag, then maybe that'll encourage me to quit.
But smoking is just a small part of the Changed Me.
Honestly, I think it'll be nice to work near home. I always wondered what it was like, you know, to live at home and go out to work in the morning. Now I finally have a chance to find out.
Before I leave, which at this point is in three days, I need to attend two farewells. In just over 12 hours from now, my Hangar Town buddies are throwing a "Open Office Raya cum farewell" for me. Mmmm..can't wait for the kuih and KFC or pizza. Later at night, my theatre director is holding a get-together with Mee Bandung on the menu. A few hours ago, I met up with Andy Gib, also known as DJ Zhen Pei or Newjblog, in Province of Wellesley.
We had coffee at our favourite Starbucks outlet. It's Abdy's fav Starbucks because there's always a great view everytime we go there. We did not reminisce the past. We just talked about regular stuff- work, Facebook, Andy's potential date, etc.
I used Andy's laptop to read his blog (playspend.blogspot.com) I liked his second last entry about me, Ally and him.
It was about all the great times the three of us had up north in Kedah. We were like the three Amigos, always chit chatting and having latte and eating, eating, eating and hanging out. Nostalgia gitu....Sigh, those were good times. I'm glad I still keep in touch with Andy, despite him living 2 hours away in Province of Wellesly. I'm glad we got Ally on the phone during our Starbucks outing. I'm glad she's still as chirpy as ever.
A fling of mine got married a few months back. The happy couple is expecting a baby. I'm not sure when she is due, but I suppose she became pregnant quite recently. I'm confused. I am surprised. I don't know what to feel.
On one hand, I know that life goes on, therefore I must not dwell in the past. On the other hand, I wonder about our time together during the past. Was I just a fling. Yes, yes, yes, thus the word Fling lah, kan? A fling is a fling is a fling- it's temporary and just for fun. Oh come on. What did I expect from it? A long-term thing? Oh. Come. On.
People move on, and so should I.
I just wished that Fling was not one of the best memories I had up north.
And while we're on the subject of memories, I've been thinking about another brief relationship I had three years ago. We took a long trip together during a relative's funeral down south. That was three years ago, so mind you, it was a damn long time ago. But I still think about the times we took turns driving the car. The CDs we used to listen to. the memory of it bugs me still because I recently purchased that CD we used to listen to. I know, I know you might be saying, Perlu ke? The past is gone and both of us live in different states now.
I don't know why this memory crept up recently. Maybe I'm experiencing a jiwang period. Seeesh