Let Go Your Heart, Let Go of Your Head.......David Gray's "Babylon"

I knew I was enjoying my holiday when the wooden platform which I was dancing on started wobbling. But that did not bother me and the other seven souls who were dancing vigorously atop the square shaped wooden contraption. It was this tiny thing, measuring a couple of metres wide and raised a metre above the dancefloor.
All around me, guys and girls were moving and shaking their bodies in sweaty t-shirts and tank tops as Lady Gaga's "Just Dance" played to a thumping bass beat.
Many clubbers were doing the usual hand grinding move and hip twisting. But most of the clubbers I saw were mouthing every word of the Lady Gaga song. These dudes continued to mouth lyrics and strike dramatic poses with every song by Divas - Britney, Beyonce and The Pussycat Dolls all made their "appearance" that night with their songs.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this was "that" kind of club. And I swear, everyone should experience it at least once in their lifetime.
All the cliches you hear are true. If you're a woman and don't want anyone hitting on you, then go to one of these clubs. But "lurus" guys fret not, the dudes in this club do not kacau you if you have a girl by your side. In short, all kind of people including the lurus and bengkok are welcomed. But of course the bulk of the clubbers are fashionably avant garde looking dudes with well coifed hair and clean-smelling body odour.
But the best thing about this kinda club is the drama you see on the dancefloor. There are so many young guys dressed to the nines and eyeing each other. Those who get atop the raised dance platforms-- there were three at this particular place -- are considered to be very hot dancers or were forced to go up there. Being shirtless is required if you are very hot and have washboard abdominals.
I had gotten on top of the platform by accident. Two of the guys I went with started getting up on the platform after the performance interval, so of course they would invite me and the rest of the gang. Moreover, the dancefloor was getting more crowded with kids doing the shuffle and a pair of dudes in shades making out. Perlu ke?
On the platform, I was standing side by side with kids who obviously spend more time shaking their "thang" more than I do. But I thought what the heck? Let's just do this.
Not to take my chance atop the famed platform for granted, I wiggled it. I wiggled and jiggled and shook and swayed like my life depended on it.
Then my best pal who was dancing next to me said to my ear "Dah penat lah." Oh gosh, I thought I was the only one feeling that way.
Yes, folks. Age has a weird way of sneaking up on you. Within an hour, a few of us were huffing and puffing from fatigue. But we were a determined bunch, believing in mind over matter. And we believed in motivating ourselves by checking out cute hotties on the dancefloor.
I suppose it was a lack of practice which caused our sudden fatigue. But hell, three hours later, we were still dancing away. Let's just say that the thrill of listening to great songs and dancing to them can do wonders to the body.
But yes, the wooden platform was wobbling and extremely springy. Maybe the platform was suppose to shake that way, just like those wrestling rings. Maybe, I don't know. And it did not help that I almost got pushed over by the dance crazy youngsters on the platform.
But I live to tell my tale.
It's a great high to let go of your head, every now and then. For the three days I was in the Capital City, I simply did what I want without imposing any specific goals on myself. I ended up going to a club after a year hiatus. I met up with Ratu and ate a big big supper at a packed food court in a swanky upscale neighbourhood. I met up with Princess for a while and gossiped. I attended a renunion of my old university pals. I went gift shopping for a baby boy, and ended up buying a cool rocker chair.
I also watched the musical Mamma Mia with my menteri besar and a few other VIPs in the audience. THE funny thing was when all the VIPs and my family were waiting together for our cars at the entrance, my car came first. Just imagine that. My sister's driver is more kick-ass (and faster) than Ghani's driver.