I am slowly achieving the balance that I want from life. I spent a wonderful evening with friends from the office last night. All the while, my ex-boyfriend was text messaging me to meet up. He suggested that he would join me and my friends at the eating place we were at. But thankfully, my meeting with Mr Number Three did not materialise. I told him I was hanging out with friends and that they were out to get him because of his dumping me. My friends are always telling me to ignore Number Three after what he did. I should because, why should I be with someone who does not appreciate me.
The more I think about it, the more I realise that my ex and I are holding on because we've got no one else. OK, that may not be totally true since he is supposed to be going out with this new boy- but that turned out to be a flop because the new boy seems to not be paying enough attention to my ex.
And I have already tried moving on with this new guy. And there's another guy who has been pestering me to sleep over at his place last night.
But, very reluctantly for me, something is pulling me back to my ex-boyfriend. I think it's called familiarity.
Or as my ex said it the other day: "Don't you miss having me as a friend? We've been through a lot during our time together."
Yeah, too little too late.