Two actors from True Blood drama series proving that yes, the show is about blood-sucking sex. Or at least a lotta foreplay before the sex.
It's amazing what happens when you get out of your comfort zone- when you do things you don't want to. When you're forced into situations which are uncharacteristic of yourself. It is good for people who are prone to introvert-ism and masochism like me.
The six-day road trip is comes to an end today. And for the past week I have been put into situations which I would not do alone. Imagine staying over at the house of a friend's in-laws. I mean, staying the night with a friend's parents home is okay. Staying a night at a friend's sibling home is okay too- I've done all that before. But to stay at a pal's in-law's ? - Especially when even your pal is still in his "awkward moments" phase of developing his relationship with his in-laws- is just whacked, honey!
But lo behold, Ramblinging spent two peaceful nights at his friend's in-laws house. They were a bunch of nice folks with a big spacious house just outside this northeastern city. After all, I agreed to the road trip because I wanted to be there for my friend's time of need. He's lonely because his wife is away attending a course up north, while the couple's baby is being cared by his in-laws.
Basically, I reckoned that my life may be shit and all with longing for my Ex but hey, other people have shittier lives- so suck it up and move on.
Thus, the reason for our visit to the in-law's- to visit my pal's baby daughter. Despite feeling awkward in a stranger's home, it was nice to play with Omaro's cute little girl, and meet his in-law's big family: they have nine children, and most of em stay under one roof okay. One thing is certain: the in-laws were salt of the earth: warm, friendly and having none of that pretentions. Orang kampung memang macam tu. Coolness, kan.
The best part of the trip was seeing old friends. Kak Z was in town at the time, and we lepaked with the newly-appointed bureau chief, who was also a good friend of ours. Omaro met his old gang in Northeastern City, and we drove around the border town and even drove past my-Ex's hometown. So tak perlu, hahahhaha. To add injury to insult (ok, I exaggerate), Huns called me up while we drove through my ex's hometown and asked if she could score some pharmacy supplies from my ex. (my ex works at a pharmacy). Soooo tak perlu, kan. Huns felt guilty later on for ringing me up to ask " Hey, are you still on talking terms with your Ex?" Could somebody say the word 'sensitivity'? Hahahhaa...
The road trip was a revelation because we discovered the awesomeness of True Blood, the HBO drama series.
We stayed over at Monsoon Cup City at our pal's house, and he converted us into being True Blood fans. Me and Omaro were hooked after watching four episodes. We started speaking in the southern American drawl- in honour of the setting of the movie. Dude, True blood has everything- hot looking actors, killer one-liners " I guess she (Anna Paquin) likes 'em tall, dark and dead", and lotsa sex and nudity. Woohooo....
The last "free & easy" night of the trip was the wildest for me. Omaro stayed over at his mom's while I put up at my sister's house. So apa lagi, kan? For me, that means hitting the dance floor, baking bread and skinning fish. And believe me, it was a wild and crazy night, which ended in me getting down on my knees praying to God to ask for forgiveness. There was dancing involved. There was Lady Gaga, Misha Omar and Whitney Houston involved- though they were more masculine versions, and they were performing on stage. There was a dude who just came back from Spain involved. He taught me a good lesson about not giving a flying fuck when hitting the dance floor.
i still luv you too....hehhehe.