WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO SEDUCE YOU?: Billy Crudup plays the male lead in 'Stage Beauty'
'Stage Beauty' is the movie which allegedly started the romance between actors Billy Crudup and Claire Danes. Dammit! What does she have that I don't?! (heheh)
Crudup is able-bodied, cute and such a versatile actor. Watch it just to hear him squeal exactly like a girl- he plays an actor in London during the 17th century who specialises in women's roles. Back then, women were not allowed to become actors so all the women's parts were played by men.
The saying goes that the most beautiful actress in London was, in fact, Billy Crudup's character.
Claire Danes, on the other hand was the first ever woman actress allowed on stage (according to the movie lah). Danes' character would borrow Crudup's costumes and wigs to perform in a small-time theatres.
When Danes gets the attention of the King and his mistress, who coincidentally aspires to be an actress too, she starts a series of events that lead to the abolishment of the old rules of actors roles.
The King decides that "No he would e'er play a she". Basically it is bad news for actors such as Crudup who were professionally trained to play women. As Crudup says to Danes when he confronts her, " You don't know what it's like to banish every single trace of manliness you have in you."
God, what heavy stuff the movie deals with. But really my dears I wished the director paid more attention to the overall flow of the movie.
The movie even dables in the issue of homosexual men and straight women- honey, a very tiring subject, done to death in many movies before.
OK, so Danes was the straight gal lusting over the gay Crudup. The movie tries to imply that maybe Crudup was deliberately trained to be a woman- so naturally he had to be gay and pretty and put on that golden wig whenever the equally hot Ben Chaplin fucked him. (watch the movie my dears).
At least they left the answers as vaguely possible, but gay-straight topics are really tough nuts to crack. Many other movies dealt with it- and failed- The Object of My Affection (Jennifer Aniston and Pual Rudd) is one that comes to mind. Oh wait that's the critics talking. Honestly I loved the movie. The issue is very simple- straight people are straight and gay people are, well, totally gay!
This confusion climaxes with the scene where Crudup explains the 'man' and 'woman'
positions in gay sex. Perlu ke?
Other similar-topic movies is The Opposite of Sex (Lisa Kudrow and Christina Richie)-- It is a wicked comedy! Julia Roberts and Rupert Everett (also stars in Stage Beauty) were cute in My Best Friend's Wedding.
Buy the DVD dahhlings...don't bother if it comes to GSC. So..what you waiting for. I'm waiting for Crudup.