It sucks being broke. It sucks even more when you have to ask money from your parents when you're out of funds. To think that when you reach 26, you'd have some back-up plan whenever your bank account empties. But, no not this dude.
Count'em down, there are three days before my salary comes in. And my bank account has barely enough pay for food. The saddestthing is that once, the money comes in, I have to settle some debts- I haven't paid my car loan this month.
Last month I spent a lot of money on my new Nokia. And I also went back home, so there's two reasons why I'm pokai!
Count'em down, there are three days before my salary comes in. And my bank account has barely enough pay for food. The saddestthing is that once, the money comes in, I have to settle some debts- I haven't paid my car loan this month.
Last month I spent a lot of money on my new Nokia. And I also went back home, so there's two reasons why I'm pokai!