Actress Rachel Bilson from the OC
Sambung Cerita.......
Nyah mak nak loi.....phew...that feels better. Now I feel like myslelf. Anyways nyah I'm supposed to continue my story on my play.
Well, I was roped in the last minute. Like less than a week before our show date. I was freaking out because like, hello? Why so late want to tell me lah, kan? Anyway disebabkan I sayang kepada persatuan teater mak ni, mak pun teruskan usaha. Peduli lah. Thankfully the play wasn't that complicated- only four scenes, minimal props and music was being provided by a dear keyboard player- Pian- whom I contantly had to give cues to during the show. He's a pro- he's been playing in bands like, forever.
My play this time, entitled "Kaki Kepala Masam" was helmed by a bunch of young'uns and one veteran, Abang Ed, who is a whiz at singing and comedy. It's quite a funny tale- there's this thief who likes this kampung girl, so he and his partner in crime visit a bomoh. They ask the bomoh to help them lure that girl to like the thief guy. The bomoh makes a request- bring me the girl's underware and I will cast a spell for you. She'll be head over heels for you, the bomoh says. Unfortunately, the two crooks give the bomoh the wrong underware- it's the girl's father's underware- ! Because they don't realise their mistake, the spell is cast and the crook chief ends up falling in love with the girl's dad! Nyahhhh...meletup jugak kan story dia kan? Ok, lah, script Abang Ed tu.
But shame about the show itself though....at the start dah ada problem - the microphone wasn't switched on, so Kak Shima (my production manager) couldn't announce the start of the show. So apa lagi, mak as the SM (stage manager) frantically asked our technical guy, Abang Meor to switch on all the mikes. OK lah, we were delayed for maybe a minute or so.
Imagine lah, one minutes of silence between the band playing and the start of the play.
But I was riot during the show, you.....My friends kata they were overwhelmed by just watching me work.
I was in charge of holding the walkie talkie and constantly communicating with Abang Meor. I'd start every exchange with "Abang Meor, Abang Meor" and wait for a reply before I continued to talk. Boleh? Abang Meor macam 'Apa lagi mamat nih?' hehe...
I'd be asking abang Meor to stand by even 20 minutes before each scene ends. Mike, who happened to watch the whole show from the ligthing room out front, said the acting was okay. Music was shitty, he said i.e all the young'uns singing lah. Hmmmm...some food for thought for our next play
Anyways, it was crazy. But I had a blast....
Now it's on to the next play next year, Insya Allah. This time I'll be the production manager...fuyooo