Phone sex, threesomes and clubbing are normal aspects of Ramblinging's life. Gosh am I that much of a, I cringe to say, slut? Come one, dudes, I need my...whatever. I guess I'm just being me.
My friend called me the other night to ask what I was wearing. I knew it wasn't a social call. And the worst part was that my friend felt regretful that we didn't hook up the last time we met in Kedah. Perlu ke? But i was kinda surprised, we never articulated our feelings before. And of course my friend wants to take advantage of my bulging 'nafsu'. Hey, I was seduced dudes....on the phone! By freaking Rachel Bilson (cutie actress from TV's the OC). Of course, I'm just rambling.
I didn't feel much during that phone sex session. Maybe I was tired. Maybe I wasn't in the mood. It just didn't feel satisfying.
That's why when Rachel (I need a fictitious name, lah) text messaged me after the phone sex episode, aku macam barely enthusiastic. But Rachel's a real nice person. I kinda like Rachel. I've known Rachel for close to three years. We'd sometimes see each other once in a blue moon. But it was never serious, seriously. Now that RACHEL has made a MOVE, I am doing what I ALWAYS do when things get deeper: I run the way. I do. I hit the road, Jack. Sorry, this train does not stop at SERIOUS FEELINGS station. We won't stop at Long-Term Relationship town. Oh, no sir-ey. This is a one-way train to Lonely-ville. Typical. It's Ramblinging being very very very Ramblinging.
Run away, will you. Help Wanted: Sanity & the ability to keep still.
OK, about the Threesome...Remember Zeti? The person from KL who was coming over for the weekend. Nyah...perlu ke? Zeti came over alright. Together with some other friend and Bamm! Threesome tonight! And did anyone bother to warn me? No.... So there I was trapped in Zeti's sister's house. It was just the two of us, watching TV. Then Zeti's old friend 'magically' decides to appear. OK, fine. Coffee was served. Small talk aplenty. In my head, I thought "it's just a meeting with old friends". I found out earlier that this friend was an ex-partner of Zeti's current partner . Anyways I went to the toilet, at one juncture, and I came out to a dark livingroom- lights were off, comforter spread out, pillows all around - well I guess it's bedtime, people. By that point the naive boy in me, thought, "Okay, this is a threesome.." I get it. OK lah, Ramblinging also wants to play lah, kan. Though, really I prefer one-on-one.
Dudes, I walked out midway.
Something was missing that night. Zeti is attached to soemone. I am single. The 'Friend' probably has someone too. Sure, many people sleep around now, kan? But I guess my days of Hot threesomes and one-night stands are, cringe again, drawing to a close. OK I know I'll eat my words the next time I go out. But really lah, the last threesome I had was, erm, ok, earlier this year. But it doesn't count. All this threesome business reminds me of my crazy days when I was in KL (not to say I ain't crazy still). Back then I'd just go home with anyone- you name it, Baskin Robins, Hagaan Daaz, dairy Queen and Cornetto. (Huns, would understand).
Now I'm just going through a phase of no more threesomes, I guess. Go figure.
Oh yeah, about the clubbing thing. I went last night in Penang. It was the usual thing, the usual crowd. Note to self: have to go out dancing in KL soon. Really miss KL nowadays, don't know why.