APPARENTLY, relationships are not the be all and end all of life. No life should be dictated by the relationship you have. The only weight relationships have on our lives are due to the love factor. Love is important for us human. So that is wahy the love in relationships are important for us.
We all need love, apparently. And we need to love someone. As humans, we need to love, as corny as it sounds in my head.
So, if your relationship with a significant other is producing any form of love, then good for you. You are proudly part of a timeless human tradition of wanting to love and be loved.
Hey, if people could fight wars for love during ancient times, a guy could surely lie to his boss to sneak out to the florist and buy that bouquet of roses for his girlfriend.
But, if we look at RELATIONSHIPS as an entity, it ain't all that important in the context of LIFE. This is coming from someone who has been out of it for most of his life.
Oh, come on. We all love our mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers and nieces and nephews. We love our pets and music and food and camping and staring at the stars. So that's love also, right? Millions of people love God and would fight for king and country as well, right?
Well, fighting for country and king may be more like loyalty than anything else.
My point? I should have more balance in my life. I'm too scared that I may put too much of myself into my relationship, that's all.
as always, i think you think too much about love and relationship and all. i think you should just relax. breathe a little. relationship / love isn't supposed to stress you out..
you're supposed to enjoy the love, one day at a time. of course, having said all that, you should love too much and lose yourself.
yes, there must always be a balance. YOU should always come first.
of course, some love are unconditional -- mum, dad, nephews, nieces, God..
but there should always be a limit to loving your other half. and that, what is important, is you loving yourself first. :)
otherwise.. just chill.. dont think too much and just enjoy the love.. :) (its better than having dinner on those lonely nights kan... heheh)