Teoh Beng Hock's mum, Teng Shuw Hor reading about her late son's on-going case
Let's get serious on this blog, shall we?
I mean, we might as well talk about serious current issues besides the drama of my life.
The Teoh Teoh Beng Hock case. It's still too early to reach any conclusion but we (as in, the rakyat) have been presented with facts from the on-going inquest in Shah Alam.
There was a snapped belt, which may have been due to someone dangling in the air before Teoh fell to his death.
Of course, the patriotic , supposed Umno organ Utusan Malaysia newspaper has published a headline saying "Beng Hock commited suicide?"
Thank you, Utusan for making Teoh's family feel so much better about the death of their son. Regardless of the truth, there needs to be some compassion when it comes to presenting the news.
Thank you, Utusan because we are still reeling from disgust due to Kosmo's front page story about Yasmin Ahmad. And now you have this. Why am I not surprised.
It's disgusting, but hey, that's Malaysia for you. We've resorted to become a society full of ethnocentric, fanatic, obsessed, money-hungry, arse-kissers who don't know how to act humane anymore. And what's sadder, is that you and me are all guilty of having these traits, in some degree or another.
Yes, I imagine if we lived in the paparazzi-hungry societies such as in the United States or United Kingdom, we'd probably see headlines of a hundred and one speculations surrounding Teoh's death. In Malaysia, we'll probably read about these speculations on internet news portals or blogs. The more slanted versions of these speculation would be seen on fanatically ethnocentric papers such as Utusan. Gituh.......
Yes, I know that the facts are out there and people will speculate regardless of how we feel about it.
I just feel so sad that Teoh's parents have to go through such an ordeal. Imagine if it was our family who had to go through such trauma. Imagine the confusion we'd go through - of not knowing what had happened to our son, or brother, our friend. Why was he kept in the Anti-Corruption Commission's office until late at night?
A fellow press man said the MACC guys should have made sure he was sent home after the questioning session.
Having said all that, we need to wait for the inquest to be completed and the Royal Commission to begin. We'll get the answers when the time comes, for now let the speculations begin.
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