The best part of my weekend was hanging out with my family and going into the club, and totally chilling out, taking it easy, and not giving a fuck about work.
Totally ignored a call from office and a stringer. A bureau can function without you. Honestly, I am tired. I really needed this break. It was only 3 off days but I'm happy I got to have fun. I canoodled with strangers; had meals with siblings, nieces and nephews; and laughed it out loud with a pal.
The week had been tiring. Energy Draining. Even my boss noticed how tired I was towards the end of the work week.
The fatigue started to show in my work.
"You look really tired. Your writing is all over the place... Take a good rest this weekend, ok?" said Boss.
As with any offday, it is always difficult for me to switch to rest mode. Work is always at the back of my mind. And it doesn't help that people from work bug me early in the morning. I just do not give a damn. Maybe I should have simply switched of my phone. But I am in the communication line, and having communication lines open is important. But come on lah, off days are an exception.
It's not like there is nobody working that day coz there's always people on duty...even if it is just two staff (which happens sometimes during weekends).
There I go rambling about WORK. It gets to me, and I suppose it got to me recently because we were understaffed this past week.
And then there was someting a colleague told me about. But I will not mention it here. Let's just say that as a group leader, there are times when I need to shoulder slightly more responsibilty than the rest of the team.
I really shouldn't blog about work. Arghh...
The first night in Federal Capital, I went clubbing. I was torn at first, because my clubbing mates were out of town. But I was determined to have fun that Friday night, so I just went. Paid the admission fee and stood by the sides of the dancefloor and just soaked up the music. Turned out there were plenty of other people standing alone, or at least standing apart from the rest of their gang, dancing. With abandon. Some were Drunkard Dancing, and looked like a fool doing so. Others had no professional training in bootie shaking, but did they give damn? No. They simply danced without a care of other people's opinions.
I was inspired. And I was moving my feet to Lady Gaga's Alejandro and Usher and Will.i.am's Oh My God.
These songs rocked the dancefloor. A good way to test a song's dance-worthiness is to play it on the dancefloor and see if people could dance to it.
And these songs passed the test.
The next day I attended my cousin's son's wedding (does that make him my second cousing?). The father, who is my cousin pointed out jokingly that his son had beat me to marriage. The bridegroom is 24 while I am 30.
yes, I do realise that honey. But then again I had a relative remarked at how 17-ish I look. And plus, I can barely hold on to a steady relationship so how the hell could I make a marriage work.
I felt like replying to the Father of the Bridegroom: "You know, I'd settle for a relationship that lasts more than 6 months rather than marriage right now."
Saturday night was spent having a delicious and divine steak dinner with my elder brother, his daughter and my parents. The steak was sedap gills! We went to the Ship in Damansara, and the place was packed! But I solute the waiters, waitresses, bus boys and girls, and maitre'D at the ship. These workers know how to handle a high volume of people. And I like how everything at the restaurant is efficient, and clean..right up to the restrooms.
I like watching people at work at restaurants. You could always tell the good kedai makan to the bad kedai makan. The good ones have friendly staff, who actually have an idea of menu, and recommend things, and do their work.
I am rambling.
After dinner, I met up with a dear friend and we chowed down some dim sum, kuey teow goreng and satay and Hartamas Square. I great bitching/chatting/people watching/basicallybeing fabulous meet up.

Later that night, I got stuck in the rain with a lunatic, a busy body and a quiet guy. The last guy was the best to hang out with because well, at that point I was just going for what I want.
You know how it is when things don't go as planned. That happened to me with the first guy. Then came Mr Busy body who wanted to play the whole "Three people is better!" game.
Menage a trois? Not for me anymore. After being in a serious relationship last year, I can no longer tolerate being in groups of three and above. I cannot. It's impersonal. It's shit. Why? Because some one, either myself or any of the people in the threesome would feel, at one point or another, left out. It's pathetic.
Yes, years ago it is fun. But now that I am getting older, I really do not care for it.
The worst thing about it was that Mr Lunatic actually became excited when there was a third guy around. So obviously, I guess I was not enough for 'em.
I tried to get into the Three's Company feel, you know. But I just could not. I rather focus my energy on one person. That's what most people do, right?
Sure, you do whatever you want in private. But, really, I have been through all that, and it's crap, really.
Can I just have it one-on-one, please? Is that too much to ask for?
OK. I am officially rambling.