Confused. Dazed. Aimless. Directionless. These words could describe this guy named Joe Harvard. He's 33. Single. Promiscuous. Oh, yeah. He's a translator for a company running a website.

Joe goes through life aimlessly. Joe has no feelings for his job. Joe thinks of being crazy every now and then. You know, go surfing in Bali. Or take a hike up the Rocky mountains. Or maybe back pack through Asia.

Basically, he just wants to be anywhere but here. Here is Sacremento, northern California. It's a fun town. He's dated three wonderful women this past year. But all of those relationships did not work out.

Then there is Jill Pepper. Jill's a friend of Joe. She's 29. Cute and petite with a penchant for short denim skirts and sweaters. She's a baker.

Jill and Joe are having a conversation at a cafe in downtown Sacremento. It's called the Hive. Joe's talking about his depressing life. Jill's keeping quiet. To Jill, Joe has a great life. Jill is kind of envious of Joe's job at a web company. Jill wants that job. Jill loves Joe's friendly demeanour. Jill confides everything to Joe: her boyfriends, her fucks, her marijuana habit.

Joe envies Jill and her happy-go-lucky life. Joe likes that Jill takes painting classes and does photography at the beach on weekends.


Anonymous said…
The misadventures of Joe Harvard and Little Miss Peppers. Lol.

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