This cyber cafe's full of people doing every imaginable thing people could do online. But all I want to do is log on to this dating site but I am too chicken to do so for fear the dude sitting next to me would see.
Bloody hell.
It's fucking 2am and I just met up with an old pal of mine. It was so nice to see him. We yacked about life at Old Town White Coffee at Nusa Bestari.
In the middle of it all, I received a missed call from an unknown hand phone number. I called back, and did not recognise the voice at first, though I got it right on my first try.
"Ni tukang masak kan?"
The guy replied weirdly, like he was no longer a cook, maybe. (I haven't spoken to him in a week).
He's the cook I have been dating, and he was just saying hello and informing me about his new phone number.
I wish I was more excited about the telephone call, but I am not. I was in love with the cook for a brief time this year. I thought about him a lot during an overseas trip. But I think I may have gotten over him. Why? or how?
Probably because I realise he wasn't that into me. Or MAYBE it was because he was attached to someone while we were dating.
But that's all it is- absence makes the heart grow fonder i.e. men like me only think with their penis.


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