Sugar Daddy's Night Out
Last night was hell. I went clubbing with two people I may consider as strangers. One of them was a masseur I befriended last year who returns to JB occassionally. The other is another masseur, who I was acquainted with once- a less familiar acquaintance than the first one. Let's call the first guy Wan, and the second Poji. So there I was with two masseurs whose friendships I formed on the basis of money. And I further money-fied this relationship last night by taking them out for clubbing. I offered to take them out. It's not my first time treating friends to a night out and drinks. I can afford it, and I always think, "what the hell, live a little'.
But I do regret taking them out...because one of them got trashed, and I had to help him out of the club and into the car, while the other was no help at all. But you know what? While I regret it I fain to think of what I would have been done last night, instead of that. Hours before clubbing, I was ready to call it an early night> I was at home and bored and wallowing in the fact I had a boring life.
Then Wan called, and asked me if I wanted to go out. As usual I said no because I was working the following day (today), and I put down the phone. Then I called him again not more than a couple of minutes later and said "so, you still got any plans?"
I thought, yet again, "What the hell. Live a little."
I don't go clubbing often, let alone with people I have to pay for. How crazy am I, right?
The night was madness. Not only were Wan and Poji drunk beyond recognition, Wan was disp0laying some weird moves on the floor. Poji took off his T-shirt severakl times, much to the dismay of bouncers who were surrounding him.
Fortunately Wan was more sober than Poji, but he was more selfcentred. I was the one who went out of the way to help Poji carry him to the car, accompanied him as we waited for Wan, who still wanted to linger on on the club.
It wasn't a pretty sight. It was hell. And Poji's wallet went missing along the way. Wan says it may have been due to the many people who offered to help "carry" Poji into the car. Yeah, Poji could barely stand, and how the hell was I suppose to carry the very tall and leggy Poji all by myself- when Wan was busy in the club.
Some people are assholes. And with my 31 years on experience on earth, I still have a hard time identifying them.
What I hated was that wan still wanted more out of me, by asking for top up prepaid. Gold digging asshole, I thought to my self.
Yes, I do realise I may be bordering on Sugar Daddy territory- and it makes me feel all the more older than my actual age- but it's done.
Like Wan said this morning about the mssing wallet - Dah jadi (it has happened). What else could I do? I was annoyed at wan when he asked for top up, and told him: "You can keep asking for it, but I am not going to give it to you. I am taking you guys home, and that's it."
Thankfully I was sober enough ti drive them home. I was smart enough to drink lots of iced water along with the drinks and later drank iced lime juice. That helps too.
I was the fucking designated driver, after all.