I have to write about Sarawak fast before time flies and it remains a distant memory.
It was the most fun I had in a long long time. And this was work, mind you. And that says a lot about my life.
I will sum up my experience like this: I had so much fun, and the fun I had is something I rarely have in my current location.
My life is a bore now. And having all that fun, with the Sarawak gang is very uncommon.
My life here revolves around work, work, work and off days, and work and then going home to watch DVDs and sleep.
Oh, yeah. Occasionally, I shop for DVDs, go for massages, saunas, trips to KL or Singapore, etc. And my group of friends here are on-and-off because I keep to myself now, and my friends have their own life too.
My life is a bore because for the first time in eight years, I have been assigned in one place for work for more than 2 years. Previously, I have been constantly on the move. I never stayed in one place for more than 2 years- 2 years in KL headquarters, 2 in Kedah, 1 year and a half in Perlis.
But Sarawak was an unknown territory that I finally managed to discover. I am very proud to say that I once studied in Kelantan, worked in Kedah and Kuala Lumpur, and currently stay in Johor. I have got the peninsula covered - in terms of experience. I have vacationed in Sabah and Sarawak before, but vacationing limits your actual exposure to the people and cultures.
Sarawak is full of beautiful people with ready smiles (of course not everyone smiles). They are hot looking people. They are laid back and quite liberal.
Muslims there have no qualms with sitting together with friends in coffeeshop , even though the coffeeshop is not halal.
Oh yes, and the food is excellent. My colleague made sure I had large spoonfuls of laksa Sarawak, mee kolok and mee Jawa on a daily basis. That explains my fuller figure now. Hahaha...
I met someone. He is learning tayloring and is a talented singer. But he remains quite a mystery, and often asks prepaid top up from me.
A Sarawakian friend of mine thinks the guys maybe a cheat, and probably has someone, or maybe a few ones on the side.
Well duh. I am sure of it.
Ooooh, and the gay club in Kuching is damn happening. I assure you it is 10 time better than the gay club in KL or Singapore because the clientele are laid back and happy-go-lucky and friendly. They dance on top of tables and chairs. Have I mentioned they are hot?
And I saw many of them in the villages and towns as well. My colleague says this community is very well accepted in their kampungs- it is more like their parents accept them for who they are because heck, they are their flesh and blood.