The craziest two weeks

First my house gets broken into.
Then my car gets stolen.
Then my car gets found.
Then a big case happens and I'm on call 24 hours. crazy it has been. Only today I had time to really sit down and focus on me: I cleaned my house. Went to Perodua to change my car locks. Later, my landlord's changing my house locks. I'm still torn between remaining at my current pad or moving to another house.

The last week I had no time for myself. It was constant work all the time. Sometimes only gettingtwo hours of sleep. Staying in Sungai Petani was hectic, I stayed in hotels for almost a week. Sent stories from the hotel. And the pressure from our rival newspapers was CRAZY!

We got info that the rival had scooped us with an exclusive picture at 11.30pm once! There we were just after dinner, sweating profusely trying to do damage control. And the fact was we had been like that for quite some time- always worrying that we'd get scooped. Just the previous day our rival had an exclusive interview with police on the case. We didn't have that story. But later we found out that the police got pissed off about that story.

Anyways, my boss really kicked ass that night- so what if they had an exclusive picture. We fought back and got an exclusive story. We, along with our sister papers, confirmed the DNA results of the baby. No other papers confirmed the results. We called the district police chief five times and finally got the results at nearly 12 midnight.
My boss called up KL and we changed the story. Next day, the rivals were pissing in their shorts, man!

Golly, I tell you the competition here is stiff. People are out just to scoop you, you know?

As for me, It was one wild crazy ride. I mean, imagine having the baby's family calling you up and accusing you of lying. I got scared when the family was pestering me to give them the source.

It's been rather crazy though coz the cases just never stop even when I got back from Sg Petani.


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