
Bree Osborne was a transsexual waitress about to undergo her much awaited sex-change operation. Then one day she finds out she has a son, a result from a fling during college.
Then, bam! Bree's world is turned upside down. She reluctantly travels cross-country from LA to New York to bail her 17-year-old son out of jail for possessing drugs.
With only a week to go till her momentous operation, Bree doesn't want to waste time. So of course lah, things don't go exactly as planned when "father" and son travel cross-country to get back to LA. Bree doesn't even want to tell the kid the truth, so she pretends to be a Christian shelter home officer assigned to take the boy back to LA.
It's a fun movie. Felicity Huffman, who's more famous as one of the 'Desperate Housewives', is KICK ASS.

Bree Osborne was a transsexual waitress about to undergo her much awaited sex-change operation. Then one day she finds out she has a son, a result from a fling during college.
Then, bam! Bree's world is turned upside down. She reluctantly travels cross-country from LA to New York to bail her 17-year-old son out of jail for possessing drugs.
With only a week to go till her momentous operation, Bree doesn't want to waste time. So of course lah, things don't go exactly as planned when "father" and son travel cross-country to get back to LA. Bree doesn't even want to tell the kid the truth, so she pretends to be a Christian shelter home officer assigned to take the boy back to LA.
It's a fun movie. Felicity Huffman, who's more famous as one of the 'Desperate Housewives', is KICK ASS.