I'm the freakin' production manager of the next play my group is doing. That totally freaked me out, when they first told me I'd be in charge for most of the show's business.
As production manager I must take note of every aspect of the play: acting, script, music, publicity & promotion, welfare. I'm supposed to determine the practice dates--and I didn't know that. I thought the actors and director would figure that out by themselves.
So after keeping quiet for the past several weeks ( I was 'busy'feeling depressed, konon-lah), I met some of my theatre mates last night. These guys are acting in our new play. I asked them if rehearsals had started. And one of them said that I, of all people should know, I am after all the freakin' production manager.
Today I called up our director and asked how our play was doing. And she said yeah, we need to discuss dates of the rehearsals. She said the ball would start rolling after Sukma. Fine, I thought.
Problem now: two of the actors work during the nighttime, six days a week. The director, let's call her Miss Zee, says I discuss with them when could be a good time rehearse for them. Kalo bole negotiate with them and reach a compromise so that we could practice sufficiently.
Miss Zee told me that I'd be in charge of promotions/publicity. Dude, I have no idea how to do that. But I'm ever willing to learn. And Miss Zee told me I could always ask questions when I'm stuck.
didn't know u got a blog up. was speaking to Sue the other day and she mentioned ur blog. so here i am - checking it out. heh. NICE.
gimme a holler when u're getting back to KL. gotta catch up lah. hvnt seen u for absolutely AGES!
ms tan poh poh - a.k.a the nuttycrapper. ;)