It's the first day of the fasting month. My Sahur (pre-dawn meal) was ridiculously simple: sesame crackers and water. The reason was I woke up late, so I hadn't time to eat more. I didn't have time to drink the coffee I made for myself. I worried that it was already imsak (the time to start fasting). But I was in the nick of time. I'm glad I managed to eat something, at least.
But eating a light sahur did not affect me during the day. Thankfully it was a rainy, cool day. Not much work, so it was quite relaxing. I only panicked briefly when I was finishing up my story. But other than that, it
Last night dah pergi Terawikh sekali, and tonight yet again. That's good enough for me. I think I'll take a break for a few days before I go Terawikh again.
My parents dah pergi Umrah on Saturday night. Their flight was delayed one-and-a-half days. Thankfully the travel agent put them up at the hotel at KLIA. They'll be back on Oct 2. So I'm considering being there in KLIA when they arrive back. That means I gotta ask for some off days from Boss. Hmmm..But I cringe because riding a bus to KL is TIRING lah! And only spending 3 days in KL is not worth it- unless I miss KL so much. But teh thing is, I've been going back to either JB or KL , every month now.
Then again, I could wait for my long Raya leave. Then I can drive my car to KL and then maybe JB, baby.
Tengok, macam mana.
Right now I'm just a horny, broke bloke with two servings of Laksa, which was given to me by my colleague. Yahooo...sahur tonight!
I'm off for two days. Since I'm penniless I intend to just vegetate in front of my TV and watch the DVDs I borrowed from Ally. I'm halfway through Lindsay Lohan's "Just My Luck". The actors in the movie are .....mmmm.....delicious.
Sidetracking a bit, Here are some cool songs right now:
SEXY BACK by Justin Timberlake - Prince JTimberlake re-teams with Timbaland to make a phat track about bringing sexy back. And all those "macho" boys don't know how to act. That's because the 25-year-old Timberlake ain't like them boys, son. He ain't shy to reveal his feminine side.
I WRITE SINS, NOT TRAGEDIES by Panic! At The Disco - Haiya! It's the big winners at last months MTV Video Music Awards. Don't hate them because they're beautiful. With their black eyeliner and bright red lisptick, they look like they came out of glam rock heaven. But just like other make-up-wearing rockers nowadays (i.e The Killers, Good Charlotte), they're not just objects who know how to pout those supple lips. They can rock. So, go on, Rock that Pop, lah.
LONDON BRIDGE by Fergie - Blame it on wretched Video Music Award again for this one. Fergie, who is the lone female from the Black Eyed Peas, performed this number before the opening of that award show. All hail, the Dutchess, y'all!
CALL ME WHEN YOU'RE SOBER By Evanescence - Listen to first few bars of this song, and it'll give you goosebumps. Is it just me or has Amy Lee's voice become better? So what if the rock sound is still dated. That voice makes up for all the band's shortcomings.

THESE WALLS & FOR YOU I WILL (CONFIDENCE) by Teddy Geiger - These are the first two tracks on his debut album. Geiger sings like an old Rock'n Roll soul on the former, and then swoons you softly on the latter. The songs prove that Rock'nRoll is still alive and kicking among the new generation of musicians.
BUTTONS by the Pussycat Dolls - The only reason to like this song is because of the video: sassy dance moves and glossy music production. Obviously, only one of them can sing, followed far behind by another girl who always does the background vocals. The other four will end up like the Posh Spices of the world.
ME & YOU by Cassie - Dudes, the video featured the girl dancing in those tight spandex shorts which were popular during the early 90s. As a fashion policeman, I noticed the same shorts in Jessica Simpson's new video. Get ready for a revival people: flat top hairdos, baggy pants like MC Hammer, and plenty of tight biker shorts. Oh yeah, and the song's nice too.