Hari Yang Best
I woke up around 11am-ish. Missed my sahur, drats! But I had a huge buka puasa the day before.: Ikan bakar and kerabu mangga with a giant helping of rice. And I could finish it! I surprise myself!
Anyway...I woke up at 11am-ish, and by the time I got out, the parents were already lining up my street to fetch their little ones. (That's what you get for living close to a kindergarten).
I've been thinking of driving down to Yan since yesterday. So finally today I did it. It took me less than 40 minutes to get to Pantai Murni, in Yan. I used the old trunk road. I was in no rush, and traffic was OK-lah. But it rained a couple of times. The ocean was muddy in Yan. The waves were average, but the wind made the muddy water crash on the cement embankment.
My car was parked near the embankment and the muddy water splashed on one side of the car.
Ada jugak one couple on a motorbike, mind you the girl wore a tudung. And mind you it was 1.30pm in the afternoon.
There was also this group of guys who rode a van. They looked Nepalese or Thai or something like that- basically they had that exotic Asian look. Anyways they were eating their lunch by the beach, then they smoked their cigarettes. I swear one of them was eyeing me all the time. Maybe my imagination only lah, but you never know.
There was this mother in a long veil with her two young sons just enjoying the view.
All the while I was reading J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye- or at least trying to read it. Really, a language purist would scorn the novel's language. It's written from a point of view of a carefree, and often crass 16-year-old.
From Yan I headed to the town of Sungai Petani- civilisation! Sort of. Just drove and drove around town. There were plenty of bazaar Ramadan around town, and people were flocking those places at 4pm-ish. I checked out the MPH at Tesco near Sungai Layar. Nothing interesting. Then I was at the familiar "crossroad". The same crossroad I experienced when I went back to JB two weeks ago. This time the options were heading down to "Province Wellesly", or going back up north and break fast at KFC.
I was broke: I'm eagerly waiting for my salary in two days time. And I reckon I could do all my nonsense some other time; if I do my nonsense now, during Ramadan, then what's the difference? I mean, there'd be no difference between Ramadan and any normal month, would there? So I thought, hey I can do all that stuff some time later- when I have the dough.
I'm glad I chose to go home, and head up north- the KFC was yummy! And when I arrived back, I got myself a Nescafe Mocha coffee at a shop which made them with these multi-drink machines. You know those machines which make Nescafe panas, teh tarik and cuppacino in a small paper cup. Then I went to the hypermarket to get myself some yogurt- been totally thinking about yogurt, don't know why (sing it like Norah Jones...)
OK lah puas hati gak hari ni. Ingat nak sambung cerita Jake tadi, tapi takde idea lah today. Jake is the same name as the hero in that Lindsay Lohan movie, Just My Luck. Goshhhh...just look at him, dudes. And by the way, check out also this year's Singapore Idol winner...toodles