OK. Six days before I naik pangkat. Six days before I have to start work again. Until then I have to pack up my house, find a mover, find a new house in the new town, lay some ground work in the new town (at least get phone numbers of important contacts), and try (try very very hard) to relax because it is, after all, a holiday. Stress levels are increasing. I desperately tried to relax in Penang this evening, but I was still stressed out, dude. Thankfully I had a great meal of savoury pancakes at Paddington's courtesy of zhenpei.com.

My packing up plans were delayed when I got the flu three days ago. At least I got a lot of work done on Day 2. Now it's Day 3 and I decided to chill out by finishing up my Scrubs Season 3 DVD (Dude, Carla married Turk! JD is an idiot! First he loves Elliot then he dumps Elliot)

So how, lah? Got only six days And I still have this crazy dream of driving back to JB to visit the folks. Aiyo! Don't know if I can now lah. Takpe takpe, rilek dulu. Just complete what you need to complete, then we'll take it from there---maybe we'll take a bus back to JB on Day 5?

I'm surprised that I survived with very little sleep last night. Now it's 3.30am and I'm still in the office. My intention was to drop off some stuff on Ally's desk but I ended up watching Astro and blogging.

All in all, I suppose my packing plans are going as smoothly as can be expected.

Honestly, I'm longing to take my car and just drive all the way to KL and JB. I just want some "down-time" before I begin work. I repeat to emphasise: I WANT SOME DOWN TIME BEFORE I BEGIN WORK. I WANT TO DRIVE MY CAR AND JUST DISAPPEAR FOR A FEW DAYS, THAT'S ALL. I'm going out of my mind because I'm passing time sorting through my house belongings. All I do every day is stare at my insanely messy house and figure out how I'll be packing them up. Alright already, I'll just put them all in boxes. I've already arranged most of my belongings in stacks so I can easily dump them in boxes later. I think I'm doing OK!

Other stuff in my To-Do List:
-learn how to file a photo from Rizal
-do my OT & other claims

Here's to new beginnings!
It's tough
It's exciting
You may be a nervous wreck
But hey, it's a loving, as Hank says in Father of the Bride

Take it easy
Take a break
Do you work well
Get it done fast
And when you're done, go treat yourself
You deserve it, you sexy beast, you


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