Take That and Party : Writing for Fun

(the pubescent girl in me wants to scream, Take Thaaaaaaaaat, I love youuuuuuuuu)
Excuse me, while I try to write. I've been kinda rusty these past few days. But it feels good to be typing again!
ARTIST: Fort Minor
Reminds me of rainy days in 2006 in JB.
Last year I found myself travelling between JB and Kedah many times. I made it a point to go back home at least once a month. It was nice. I rekindled my relationship with a childhood friend. We'd hang out a lot. It's crazy to be in JB one day and be back in Kedah the very next day. I was all over the place, I was like a nomad, constantly on the move. And I found this strange fascination with the Bus Terminal. Some nights, after work, I'd drive to the Bus Terminal in Alor Star just to buy a drink or magazines or withdraw money at the ATM. I mean, I could easily find a 7-eleven or go to any other ATM in town but I simply loved the feel of the Bus Terminal. I've been spending so much time at the Bust Terminal. So when I'm away from it too long, it feels weird. Gosh, I'm weird.
I think that was one of my personal "trends" from last year-- going back to JB and hanging out at bus stations.
Oooh! That brings me to another story. Listen up, girls (and happy guys) there's this hot DVD seller at the Bus Station in JB. Mind you, he's not your typical "Dr McDreamy" type of guy. He's slightly plump and totally tanned, the way any Malay should look. But he's really...nice. Maybe I should buy Letter's From Iwo Jima the next time I go to Larkin. Yeeeehaw!
OK, switching channels....it's Discovery Travel and Living
Damn, I wished I could watch that Globe Trekker episode on New York City again. I was busy doing a story and the next day's schedule when the episode was on. Ten years ago, I really wanted to visit NYC. And now 10 years later, I'd still love to go, man.
Switching channels again...
Jesus, Mary and Joseph! NTV7 is playing the video for 'Everytime You Go Away' by Paul Young! And now it's Paul McCartney's 'No More Lonely Nights'. Oh, what a wonderful night...I love these songs, dude... hehe...
OK, it's 2am on a Monday and NTV7 is playing better videos than MTV or Channel V.
It's retro night and NTV7 is playing Mariah Carey's Hero and Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me by two queens ( I mean, Elton John and George Michael).
NYC, baby. Here's hoping we get o go there someday. Till then let's get ourselves to the northernmost tip of Peninsular Malaysia. God, let the general elections come by swiftly. If we could just get the elections out of the way quickly, I'm sure we can get along with our business. Come on, I know You want it to be held before next year, when that certain someone can be allowed to re-enter politics. I know You've been meeting up with Your men last week. I know You've been greasing Your machinery, honey. Go ahead, admit it. Go ahead, dissolve Your parliament baby. You know you want to.
NOW PLAYING ON NTV7: Because You Loved Me
ARTIST: Celine Dion
Erm, perlu ke? Takpe lah, right after that they played 'You Gotta Be' by Des'ree.
Do we still believe in the "Dreams do come true" motto? Many people still do, I suppose. But it sucks when you're going through something that you wish you weren't doing. I guess in life, sometimes you can't get what you want. But most times you get what you need...Ok, so that's a song but I suppose that's true in real life.
For a person like myself who always lives in his head, I guess it's vital to be doing things that are challenging.
Honestly, everyone will experience difficulty in getting what they want in any situation. It's a matter of sticking with it and not giving up. I question myself sometimes: have I given up? But the older I get, the more I ask: now what was it did I want?
Hmm..wroting is really lovely. The smell of a newly-printed magazine. Flipping through Rolling Stone. And yes, I do mean flipping through and glancing at stories and advertisments. Oh, and those captions on the pictures are very important.
Off the beaten path again (because this is, after all my blog!)
More power to the new Take That songs! I love Gary Barlow's voice on 'Patience'. And Mark Owen's voice doesn't sound that bad either. Now who are those other two bandmates? (OK, I know they're Howard Donald and Jason Orange). But anyways, I love them just for being them, again. Robbie Williams coming out with mediocre stuff nowadays, so somebody has to fly the melodious pop flag. Really, Robbie, why, lah? You're music so uninspiring now lah. We're not asking you to re-create Angels or Betterman, but...OK, to be fair, at least you're experimenting with sounds on Rudebox. I know at least one friend who likes your Rudebox, Robbie. But everyone else hates it, including Gary Barlow. I know it's hard to keep being relevant in the music scene. So here's some suggestions. Go try out acting: I know people have been cynical about this idea, but you could do a sitcom or a talk show or something. Have fun: go travel or focus on your charity work to get some inspiration. Get lost: go out to the desert for a week, maybe.

(the pubescent girl in me wants to scream, Take Thaaaaaaaaat, I love youuuuuuuuu)
Excuse me, while I try to write. I've been kinda rusty these past few days. But it feels good to be typing again!
ARTIST: Fort Minor
Reminds me of rainy days in 2006 in JB.
Last year I found myself travelling between JB and Kedah many times. I made it a point to go back home at least once a month. It was nice. I rekindled my relationship with a childhood friend. We'd hang out a lot. It's crazy to be in JB one day and be back in Kedah the very next day. I was all over the place, I was like a nomad, constantly on the move. And I found this strange fascination with the Bus Terminal. Some nights, after work, I'd drive to the Bus Terminal in Alor Star just to buy a drink or magazines or withdraw money at the ATM. I mean, I could easily find a 7-eleven or go to any other ATM in town but I simply loved the feel of the Bus Terminal. I've been spending so much time at the Bust Terminal. So when I'm away from it too long, it feels weird. Gosh, I'm weird.
I think that was one of my personal "trends" from last year-- going back to JB and hanging out at bus stations.
Oooh! That brings me to another story. Listen up, girls (and happy guys) there's this hot DVD seller at the Bus Station in JB. Mind you, he's not your typical "Dr McDreamy" type of guy. He's slightly plump and totally tanned, the way any Malay should look. But he's really...nice. Maybe I should buy Letter's From Iwo Jima the next time I go to Larkin. Yeeeehaw!
OK, switching channels....it's Discovery Travel and Living
Damn, I wished I could watch that Globe Trekker episode on New York City again. I was busy doing a story and the next day's schedule when the episode was on. Ten years ago, I really wanted to visit NYC. And now 10 years later, I'd still love to go, man.
Switching channels again...
Jesus, Mary and Joseph! NTV7 is playing the video for 'Everytime You Go Away' by Paul Young! And now it's Paul McCartney's 'No More Lonely Nights'. Oh, what a wonderful night...I love these songs, dude... hehe...
OK, it's 2am on a Monday and NTV7 is playing better videos than MTV or Channel V.
It's retro night and NTV7 is playing Mariah Carey's Hero and Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me by two queens ( I mean, Elton John and George Michael).
NYC, baby. Here's hoping we get o go there someday. Till then let's get ourselves to the northernmost tip of Peninsular Malaysia. God, let the general elections come by swiftly. If we could just get the elections out of the way quickly, I'm sure we can get along with our business. Come on, I know You want it to be held before next year, when that certain someone can be allowed to re-enter politics. I know You've been meeting up with Your men last week. I know You've been greasing Your machinery, honey. Go ahead, admit it. Go ahead, dissolve Your parliament baby. You know you want to.
NOW PLAYING ON NTV7: Because You Loved Me
ARTIST: Celine Dion
Erm, perlu ke? Takpe lah, right after that they played 'You Gotta Be' by Des'ree.
Do we still believe in the "Dreams do come true" motto? Many people still do, I suppose. But it sucks when you're going through something that you wish you weren't doing. I guess in life, sometimes you can't get what you want. But most times you get what you need...Ok, so that's a song but I suppose that's true in real life.
For a person like myself who always lives in his head, I guess it's vital to be doing things that are challenging.
Honestly, everyone will experience difficulty in getting what they want in any situation. It's a matter of sticking with it and not giving up. I question myself sometimes: have I given up? But the older I get, the more I ask: now what was it did I want?
Hmm..wroting is really lovely. The smell of a newly-printed magazine. Flipping through Rolling Stone. And yes, I do mean flipping through and glancing at stories and advertisments. Oh, and those captions on the pictures are very important.
Off the beaten path again (because this is, after all my blog!)
More power to the new Take That songs! I love Gary Barlow's voice on 'Patience'. And Mark Owen's voice doesn't sound that bad either. Now who are those other two bandmates? (OK, I know they're Howard Donald and Jason Orange). But anyways, I love them just for being them, again. Robbie Williams coming out with mediocre stuff nowadays, so somebody has to fly the melodious pop flag. Really, Robbie, why, lah? You're music so uninspiring now lah. We're not asking you to re-create Angels or Betterman, but...OK, to be fair, at least you're experimenting with sounds on Rudebox. I know at least one friend who likes your Rudebox, Robbie. But everyone else hates it, including Gary Barlow. I know it's hard to keep being relevant in the music scene. So here's some suggestions. Go try out acting: I know people have been cynical about this idea, but you could do a sitcom or a talk show or something. Have fun: go travel or focus on your charity work to get some inspiration. Get lost: go out to the desert for a week, maybe.