I'm having my fourth cigarette in the span of 30 minutes. I'm totally bummed out
(do I see a pattern here?). Reasons: bad dates, having to work when you're actually off but later realising it was never worth it.
Another reason: one of our utility bills skyrocketted because we just found out one of the pipes leaked. Darn. I've called up the plumber but he can only repair it the day after tomorrow.
Have I mentioned I bad dates? Screw the internet. Stupid me should have at least called up said date BEFORE meeting up, at least I would have gotten a general evaluation of said date's demeanour and perception on life, love and the pursuit of liberty. Instead the stupid me was so overly excited over the prospect of going on a date with an internet friend, that stupid me totally ignored Common Sense. Desperate? Maybe. Idiotic & being too hard on myself. Yes and yes.
(Having my fifth cigarette. John Mellancamp's "Hurt So Good" is playing on my PC. As they say memang "sesuai....")
And the saddest part of previously mentioned bad date: I had cancelled some other plans to enable myself to go on that wretched date. Drats and double frick (Dr Elliot from "Scrubs", sitcom, NBC, 2005)
Just imagine, I could have been watching a theatre show (something I totally like) instead of going for wretched bad date.
Yes, bloody hell, I AM rambling. Rambling banyak hari ni. Dah nama pun ramblinging, kan, nak buat apa?
Guess what Mr Ramblinging is saying to Mr Sour Grapes: Boo Hooo....
I need a break. But me, well I'm totally not working smart. When I'm off, the workaholic in me just wants to meronta-ronta and gatal nak pegi office. Which is absolutely unnecessary because you can't expect to work every damn day. Haven't you read the article from MSN.com? Workaholicism could lead to burnout. They say it's the socially-excepted malaise, and I'm paraphrasing.
Oh, God. John Cougar Mellancamp's CD is blasting on my Windows Media Player. I wish I was on holiday in one of those American heartland states.
I actually would love to just ride a pick-up truck and just drive across the great unknown of the American heartland. Driving in the US is so very the fun.
Over a decade ago I had a rare opportunity to go on a driving holiday from Miami to New Orleans.
My mom, dad, big sister and her then boyfriend (now hubby) spanned three states: Florida, Alabama and finally Lousiana. All I can say was it was so so FUN! My elder sister and hubby took turns driving. Occasionally my dad would take the wheel while my mother and I sat in the back seat.
I still remember the car, it was a rented Toyota Camry. Blasting on the car stereo were all kinds of US radio stations playing Mariah Carey, C+C Music Factory and that haunting song from Enigma, which were the hit music at the time.
We passed through some obscure towns like Mobile, Gainesville. We slept stopped over at this Day Inn hotel where the receptionist was some pretty Indian woman who had some lovely curry cooking in her kitchen.
We ate at this diner, I forgot where, but I remember all the waitresses were wishing each other Happy Mother's Day cause it was well, Mother's Day and I suppose Americans treat the celebration very seriously. My US trip was the first time I'd ever tasted cheesecake (it reminded me of the Golden Girls sitcom), and it was weird at the time because every fast food joint was a drive-through.
Our official foodchain throughout the week-long trip was Red Lobster, which was a really good seafood restaurant that had the most delicious dinner rolls!
Let' go again!