" I'm living in the smallest state capital in the country. And by the way, I'm so freaking far away from my hometown, and this place is on the edge of the country. But I'm taking it all in with a big smack "THANK YOU VERY MUCH". I love my life and I refuse to be bitter, regardless of where I'm staying. Rock on! And by the way, to all of YOU (you know who you are) a big FUCK YOU, motherfuckers! :)"
My rented house has a great view. It faces a padi field, which lies on the foot of a hill. It's a breathtaking view, especially in the mornings.
A friend of mine pointed this out when he stayed over the other day. Being myself, I would have let this great view become unnoticed.
It's weird when some of the loveliest things can be right under your nose.
It's been a nice few days when my friend Mazlan stayed over. He was representing his university in a national-level sport event.
Unlike myself, Mazlan is very much a sport enthusiast- he plays volleyball.
Mazlan was initially shocked at the smallness of the town. When he arrived by bus last Saturday, the words "small town" an "crap hole" came to his mind. And being a friend, he shared his opinions with me. I agree with him when it comes to the smallness of this place. But frankly, my dears I don't give a damn. haha..
Of course, if you compare this place with say, New York City, you would think it quite shitty.
But then a few days passed by, and Mazlan had a chance to mingle with locals and even chatting up some girls. Typical man, right? In the end, it's the people which make a place great. It's not about the Starbucks or whether a town has a disco. It's about the people. After all, people make things happen.
I love to visit "Prince of Wales Town" during my offdays. It's the biggest city in this part of the country. Despite the city being almost two hours away, I make it a point to go there.
And it's been said to be the best city to live in the country. What's not to like? It has beaches, it has shopping malls, it has entertainnment and Starbucks coffee. And Borders. And Chilli's is opening soon. Fuyoo...
I'm sure Prince Of Wales Town used to be a shithole back in the day. But the people, whether they came from Burma, Siam, Europe, India or China stayed on. Centuries later, the city (by the way, it still hasn't gained city status officially) is one kick-ass place.
The people made the place great.
New York City used to be dirty, filthy and paled in comparison with former "plush" cities such as Boston and Philadelphia. But check out NYC now, bro. It's like the freaking crossroads of the world.
My point? I'm living in the smallest state capital in the country. And by the way, I'm so freaking far away from my hometown, and this place is on the edge of the country. But I'm taking it all in with a big smack "THANK YOU VERY MUCH". I love my life and I refuse to be bitter, regardless of where I'm staying. Rock on! And by the way, to all of YOU (you know who you are) a big FUCK YOU, motherfuckers! :)