("Lord Save Me" taken from www.owejac.com)
Ramblinging Rambling
God help me from this mess that I have held within myself
God save me from myself
I haven't had time to feel the wonders of life
Time has slipped through my fingers
My head is spinning a million times over
every second feels like eternity and eternity flashes by in a blink of an eye
The world doesn't seem real to me--
And all its people
And all your faces
They just blur out
I feel nothing
I feel like I'm floating
I read and write
And talk to my friends--but I don't remember what I said
Like vapour that vanishes into thin air
I see my face in the mirror
The hairs on my sideburns are growing longer
My eyes are tired
I smile to perk myself up
But God knows the confusion which lies beneath
I've run out of questions
I've given out all the answers
I've wasted my last breath on the words
which made my mind confused
My heart is empty
My heart is bare
I only look down to see the barren terrain
Like the dessert ---wind blowing away the sand dunes
Like the cold winter that chills to the bones
Finished Questions
What more do I have to give to you?
What possible diffference could I make?
I am nothing, you are apparently someone of significant importance
What possible changes can I make?
I tire out to ask you this
I would stop traffic for you, but do I get anything in return?
So why do I do this to myself?
Listen to me
I cry for help
But I can't hear myself
You walk past without noticing me
And I'm ever willing to sit by the sidewalk,
a begger for spare change
Bag lady
Your house is here
Here here here
and there
what the fuck!
what are you doing
What's the meaning of this?
Do I blame you Courtney for killing me?
No you are not the killer
Wicked, sickly thoughts
That gloom and sadness
Pathetic fellow by the sea