Perempuan, Isteri &.....

Leha!!!!!Engkau tu tak layak tidur atas katil, huhhh...Engkau tu hanyir

(in another scene)
Abang, nanti pulang rumah ya?Leha masak untuk abang, balik ya

(in another scene)
kalau tak boleh bayar dangan cara tu, boleh bayar cara lain..Tentu ada cara saya boleh langsaikan hutang, kan, kan, kan..?

Did any of you watch this Malay movie starring Sofea Jane and Nasir Bilal Khan on
Sunday afternoon? Wasn't Sofea's character such an uber slut? And wasn't Nasir's "huhhh" so
intense yet funny. Nasir walked away with the Best Actor award that year (1993/94-ish) for his
portrayal of Amir, the temperamental hubby of Sofia's character, Leha.Remember all the fuss the movie brought about back then? I remember when everyone thought
Sofia would bag the Best Actress prize for her role in this movie. But instead Erma Fatima made
an upset: she bagged the prize for her lead role in Femina (which I believe was an Aziz M
Osman film). Susan Lankaster (spelling?) won Best Supporting Actress for her bitchy career
woman role for Femina, too. Susan, was famous for her "mat salleh sesat" role from sitcom 2 +
Anyways, back to Perempuan, Isteri & ...., I had never watched it before. so it was great to finally
see all the symbolism. And on a more serious note, did you guys notice the same style of baju
kurung every woman wore in the kampung. Noks, Sofia Jane set off a fashion trend. And then
there was the scene where Sofia and this truck driver buat wayang inside a wayang. haha, perlu


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