It's past midnight, and I am working tomorrow. I've already got my morning assignment from Boss so it's okay.
Had a very bad day because of diarrhea. I haven't a clue how I got it cause I only ate a salad/tomato/mustard on wholewheat bread sandwich for brunch before I shat bricks. Could have it been that sandwich I made? Darn.
As I was lying on my bed trying to sooth my tummy ache, I thought of him. I thought of how I took care of him when he was sick one time. I remembered how much of a baby he was when he was sick- almost like a child whining and needing help.
Fuck, why is moving on so hard? I can't get over him. I know I should, but I can't. I haven't. And I'm probably freaking out and being too impatient about it, but I need to move from THIS place , move from this frame of mind.
Had a very bad day because of diarrhea. I haven't a clue how I got it cause I only ate a salad/tomato/mustard on wholewheat bread sandwich for brunch before I shat bricks. Could have it been that sandwich I made? Darn.
As I was lying on my bed trying to sooth my tummy ache, I thought of him. I thought of how I took care of him when he was sick one time. I remembered how much of a baby he was when he was sick- almost like a child whining and needing help.
Fuck, why is moving on so hard? I can't get over him. I know I should, but I can't. I haven't. And I'm probably freaking out and being too impatient about it, but I need to move from THIS place , move from this frame of mind.