An Immoral Man
I don't know why I am so pissed at the whole Anwar Ibrahim sodomy trial.
I know it's disgusting to be reading about semen in anus, and words like "can I fuck you today" uttered by two grown men. I know many are disgusted by statements like these.
I read a guy's blog today and this blogger felt nauseated reading about the spermy details of the AI trial while having his roti canai for breakfast. Then there were those Pro-Anwar women screaming "You should be ashamed!" to Saiful outside the courtroom during the 2nd day of trial.
But I feel we need to put this trial into perspective. Let's take it from a perspective of a 55-year-old gay transvestite in Lorong Haji Taib, KL, for instance.
Come on, try to put on your gay man hats for a while.
It's so obvious what the trial is all about i.e it's a smear campaign against an immoral politician who wants to topple the government.
Woah....that's describing the accused already.
Think about it. He's "An Immoral Politician Who Wants to Topple The Government In Power." So that means he hasn't a hope in hell to win this court case. Right?
He's already an immoral man. He's gay. Come on, everyone in the know knows it. I'm sure a certain former politician has tonnes of evidence to prove that Anwar is gay.
And sodomy, which is the primary sexual expression of gay people, is illegal in Malaysia.
Or could Anwar win this legal battle?
Maybe, if his defense counsels could prove that the accuser i.e Mr Saiful "I swear by the Holy Book" Bukhari had consented to have the accused fuck him in the rear. Isn't it strange that the court decided to revert proceedings in-camera after Saiful testified that he had stripped down to only a towel and was then hugged by Anwar.
Too graphic for the Malaysian public, maybe?
Or maybe the judge knew, from the moment Saiful said "I was in a towel...." that something was fishy.
Assuming the Anwar's lawyers claims that Saiful had consented to the sexual act, what would Saiful's counsel say?
Let's try to figure out what Saiful's lawyers would say in their client's defence.
Maybe these deputy public prosecutors would tell the judge: "My client was under a spell." or "My client was scared of his life, so he was forced to obey to his boss' sexual advances."
I can hear some 50-year-old gay transvestite in Lorong Haji Taib yelling back: "Oi, the fucker is so obviously gay! Stripped down to towel? Well that boy wanted it just as much as the old man wanted it. Stupid lawyers, they should have a tranny testify to this fact."
Maybe Mr Saiful was bi-curious, meaning a straight person who always wondered what it'll be like to fuck people of the same sex. So when his same-sex boss offered the prospect of sex, he was well, curious. And he was game for it. Yeah, being GAME for anything is such a manly thing. Auuuuugah! Grunt. Grunt. Grunt.
Or maybe, Saiful is just a pawn in somebody else's game.
Or maybe somebody could prove that Saiful is a liar. I wonder how could semen still be intact in the anus after 2 days?
Saiful’s testimony
"During his testimony, Mohd Saiful said he had gone to two private hospitals two days after the alleged incident took place, before he had a medical examination at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital."
Well, yeah. I suppose semen could still be intact if he had just stayed in, fasted and not wash it after the sexual encounter- for two days. Everyone does that, what.
I suppose I am more affected about the Anwar Sodomy Trial Sequel now because I have first hand experience on the subject. God knows, I hadn't the experience back in '98.
I'm sure the gay community in Malaysia are cursing Saiful and Anwar and the courts right now. They are all cursing in their smart Armani suits, dapper-looking pin stripped slacks and trendy-looking ties. They curse, but 10 minutes later they go have dinner at home with their respective wife and kids. Two hours later, these same men will be parking their cars in a park and waiting for young boys to suck their dicks. These men will pay these boys RM100 and ask them to scoot, and they'll drive back home in time to read a bedtime story to junior and kiss his missus goodnight.
But alas, sodomy is against the law of the land. It's against the law of the Lord. When it comes to religion, I cannot play a fool.
I suppose I can forget about being a politician. I have many friends who know my secret. And this blog is already so very kiss-and-tell.
But yeah, I suppose we gotta focus on the big picture, folks. Anwar is a guy who is immoral and wants to topple the government in power. He should be punished.
Yeah, you have a point... maybe more than a point...
It's difficult when a government is formed based on the votes from the people. People are so gullible and open court cases only serve to feed this gullibility.... and make them not vote for someone...
Something like this cannot happen in a Monarchy for instance... the subject must accept his or her monarch ... sexually immoral, incapable... warts and all! It is a Divine Right!
The Anwar case is definitely nothing new... In the US, President Bill Clinton was impeached because of alleged sexual 'misconducts'. Many other politicians from the US and around the world fell due to sexual 'misconducts' when the true reason behind their character assasinations are not really known.
Some of us feel that Clinton was impeached to make way for the grand September 11 masterplan of the American Empire by the neocons and the powers that control them.
I always feel that impeachments and the sort should only be employed if the leader is clearly incapable of managing the government or very corrupt etc.
A person's sexuality and what he does with his private time which doesn't affect his ability to serve the people is nobody's business but his own. It's not like he neglected his office and pursued a purely sexual escapade of a life.... If that was the case, then the impeachment my seem justified...
Sexual 'misconduct' is a soft spot in even the strongest political armor.
Keep writing!
p/s.. I think you've been spammed again up there...
I agree with you but sometimes I think that the corporate media almost always make things worse.
I still believe that what goes on in courts should not be openly reported in the media probably due to the fact that the days of true independent mass media are long gone and many of those responsible for reporting on high profile court cases have the 'freedom' to snip and trim their reports to suit the agenda of their stakeholders. i.e they only write and report on what they want people to know about... everything else is thrown out...
I've stopped watching FoxNews and CNN (yes... even Anderson Cooper... a pity) as well as CBSNews...
It's all one big heap of bullshit if you ask me...
Anonymous 2 "supporter of needful impeachments": I agree that if a politican is capable then it doesn't matter what he/she does in private.
Anonymous 3 "former watcher of Anderson Cooper": Maybe fiction is always a good way to get the real story. Wait another 7 years for the novel based on the Anwar trial. hmmmm
Don't think I will be interested in reading those kinds of novels... they have tonnes of those in the US... everybody (whose fallen) tend to write memoirs of themselves and dedicate their lives to charity... as if to pay penance for the deeds that they have committed when they were in power...they should've been charitable WHEN they were in power...NOT after that....it's stupid really... you can do so much good when you are in power... but when YOU ARE, chances are, you're busy SAVING your reputation and HOLDING ON to dear life...
You should stick to writing...the pen is MIGHTIER than the sword...and it is so much more powerful than any political party....
My advice: STICK TO WRITING...forget politics
The thing is, it's so much easier, and more fun, to digest a fictional story that is based on fact.
i'm saying this because there are movies, or biopics of famous figures such as Queen Elizabeth II, Johnny Cash, etc.
But then again, Hollywood movies (actually it was the Queen was a Brit production)have a tendency to be detached a bit from the real story.
What I'm trying to say is there has to be a way to package facts to become good stories whether in the forms of novel, plays or film, or even a story in the newspaper.
I agree with anon 4. Who is Anwar anyway? What was the reason for his fame? What has he done to contribute to anything? It seems that all of these are personal vendettas.
I don't think we can ever compare him with Queen Elizabeth. That would be an insult to Her Majesty. She has done so much for England and the world. She is a uniter, not a divider. She was a Monarch, not some rookie politician. Her problems are bigger and much more complicated. Music and poetry, plays etc. were composed in her honor. Churches and palaces and libraries, Universities were erected in her name. Movies and novels are nothing compared to all of the above. Obviously, people are using her name and story to make money.
Whoever Anwar is, never compare him with the Queen. That is an insult to Britain and all Loyalists worldwide.
I was not referring to Elizabeth I, the great Virgin Queen. I was talking about the current queen Elizabeth who is still alive- I was talking about the recent movie, The Queen starring Helen Mirren.
But I do get your point and totally agree that Anwar should not be compared to Elizabeth I, or even the current Elizabeth.
I doubt people would name buildings in Anwar's honour.