Someone from my company's headquarter has been bugging me about work. A very trivial matter, I feel, and it's something not in my job description. But what to do? My colleagues and I have been putting up with it for almost two years. I am only now feeling the brunt now because I held the fort in the bureau during these past days.
The stress became overbearing two nights ago, when I returned home in a foul mood. The reason was I had to put up with a lot of crap from others that day, and I had no channel to vent my frustration. So I vented it out on my shower holder - you know, the plastic thingy that's used to hold your shower head, and it is usually attached to a pole and sometimes to a soap holder. Yikes! Kesian shower holder tu. My dad had to re-attach the thing in the morning.
Abusing bathroom appliances is bad.
It was nice to get out of the office for assignment today. I ate a decent plate of mee bandung at roadside stall in this tiny town up north. I like simple coffee shops in small towns. The atmosphere. The characters. There was this makcik with shabby greasy looking hair, clad in sarong and baju kurung kedah. She ordered mee bandung just like me. She sat there so calm and intent on her food, while the TV showed that Penelope movie on HBO. HBO in the kampung, man. I. Love. Malaysia. Later this makcik would leave the coffee shop, and walk home in painfully slow steps, along a dusty roadside as motorcycles sped by.
Another thing,
Anyways, tomorrow is another day.
Nice post...
You're right, work can be murder. Especially if you work for brainwashed idiots who have lost all traces of humanity and go through life as zombies... minions of invisible forces.
It's nice that you get to do assignments that send you far away from the office... to more quite and peaceful surroundings. They tend to put you into perspective and may potentially enlighten you on the things that really matter.
People watching like the one you did with the lady at the coffee shop... now that's just brilliant. I wonder what sort of stories she could tell if only anyone cared to ask...
I noticed that you're most wonderful pieces of writing (in this blog) were written on seemingly mundane and 'normal' things in your daily life... Not the ones with fantastic concerts or some supposedly high-end adventures. I tend to skip those.
You have a knack for writing about... life.
Keep writing.
Everyday Life is quite interesting, actually