What's the fuss with Valentine's Day? Some people are single and lonely on this day. Some people argue that Muslims shouldn't celebrate it. Some people spend hundreds of bucks to get all the chocolates and flowers just right. Others, well, simply don't care.
I received several calls and sms from my friends today. A friend back home told me about his BIG plans to get laid. He was going on and on about this hot date he had tonight, and all the 'after dinner activities' he had in store. Sish. Look, I am happy for you, man, but please lah spare me the details.
Then another friend of mine kept obsessing over her ex-boyfriend. She kept wondering what her ex-boyfriend could be doing, especially on Valentine's day. She kept thinking about what that guy would be doing with his new girlfriend. Hmmm....
Another friend in KL was stuck in huge traffic jam on Valentine's day. He spent most of the day in his Kelisa driving around Bulatan Pahang for an hour. The radio said it had something to do with fallen trees- that's why it was so jammed.
I sms-ed a friend in Bangi who I think still has a relationship with someone younger. But that dude ain't thinkin' bout lurve, baby. He's just enjoying his new job as a guidance counselor, mind you. He's doing career counseling and he even has his own office and parking space.
And one friend sms-ed me late at night. She told me she doesn't believe in love anymore. The words she used to describe love was "stupid" and "a waste of time". Girl, I hear ya! Sometimes it gets so hard, you just wonder whether love is really worth our while. (Sigh)
And tha darn L-O-V-E song by fucking Ashlee Simpson keeps laying in my head. If you listen to the song, it obviously sounds like a person who doesn't know love.
You know what, screw Valentine's. It's just one of those day when everyone feels pressured to have a candle-lit dinner for two, buy chocolates and hook up with someone. It makes people like me, who are single feel inadequate if we don't receive a dozen roses.