"So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye?
So you think you can love me and leave me to die?"
---- Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.
I was writing a story two days ago and I was choking with panic. So I smashed the computer's keyboard. Thankfully the keyboard was OK. I didn't hit it extremely hard.
I just felt like letting off tension. I was freaking out. I was writing a story and I didn't know how to write it. It was a short story about volunteers who were being sent to Johor to help with flood relief. I was writing my fifth paragraph, I think. And I just snapped.

Of course my colleagues were shocked to see me hit the keyboard like that. One of them said in passing: "shortcircuit.." But my boss and colleague weren't around at that time. So they didn't see me in my "freaking out" glory.
Freaking out? Me?
My writing skills are rusty. I can't tranform ideas into words anymore. I can't transform facts into proper sentences. I get confused very easily when I'm typing. It's hard to even arrange my thoughts in a proper flow. And it doesn't help that my shorthand-writing is atrocious.
Sometimes when I write a sentence in my notebook, I write the middle or last word of the sentence first.
I take a long time to finish my stories. I get so confused that I rewrite, rewrite and rewrite my intro. Sometimes I feel like I can't make up my mind. It doesn't help that I keep thinking "I really suck at writing" when I'm writing. That in itself is very bad.
I should be thinking things like "I'm a good writer, I'll write a good story which I like to read and my readers like to read."
That brings me to a conversation I had with a friend during dinner two nights ago. My friend told me how the power of 'doa' has helped her stay positive. She told me how she'd recite a doa in Bahasa Melayu everytime she wakes up in the morning. She'd pray for health, happiness, prosperity and all that, and also for good stories and being alert in her work. She'd even pray for her friends and colleagues. I thought that was rather sweet.
My friend would recite a doa sometimes when she starts her car before driving. It was important that she actually say the words and hear the words in her doa.
Some people believe there are certain unwritten rules when reciting doa. My friend cautioned me to never think or utter negative things inside a doa. "Don't say "please God make me not meet with an accident today." Instead say "Please God let my drive today be smooth and fast," she suggested.
My colleage said sometimes her doa worked. Sooner or later they brought about positive things.
I got to thinking about all this and realised the similarities between the doa and positive thinking.
It's been proven when you think and talk about good things, then those good things tend to happen. It's like the concept of "Whatever your mind can believe, you can achieve."
So you think you can love me and leave me to die?"
---- Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.
I was writing a story two days ago and I was choking with panic. So I smashed the computer's keyboard. Thankfully the keyboard was OK. I didn't hit it extremely hard.
I just felt like letting off tension. I was freaking out. I was writing a story and I didn't know how to write it. It was a short story about volunteers who were being sent to Johor to help with flood relief. I was writing my fifth paragraph, I think. And I just snapped.

Of course my colleagues were shocked to see me hit the keyboard like that. One of them said in passing: "shortcircuit.." But my boss and colleague weren't around at that time. So they didn't see me in my "freaking out" glory.
Freaking out? Me?
My writing skills are rusty. I can't tranform ideas into words anymore. I can't transform facts into proper sentences. I get confused very easily when I'm typing. It's hard to even arrange my thoughts in a proper flow. And it doesn't help that my shorthand-writing is atrocious.
Sometimes when I write a sentence in my notebook, I write the middle or last word of the sentence first.
I take a long time to finish my stories. I get so confused that I rewrite, rewrite and rewrite my intro. Sometimes I feel like I can't make up my mind. It doesn't help that I keep thinking "I really suck at writing" when I'm writing. That in itself is very bad.
I should be thinking things like "I'm a good writer, I'll write a good story which I like to read and my readers like to read."
That brings me to a conversation I had with a friend during dinner two nights ago. My friend told me how the power of 'doa' has helped her stay positive. She told me how she'd recite a doa in Bahasa Melayu everytime she wakes up in the morning. She'd pray for health, happiness, prosperity and all that, and also for good stories and being alert in her work. She'd even pray for her friends and colleagues. I thought that was rather sweet.
My friend would recite a doa sometimes when she starts her car before driving. It was important that she actually say the words and hear the words in her doa.
Some people believe there are certain unwritten rules when reciting doa. My friend cautioned me to never think or utter negative things inside a doa. "Don't say "please God make me not meet with an accident today." Instead say "Please God let my drive today be smooth and fast," she suggested.
My colleage said sometimes her doa worked. Sooner or later they brought about positive things.
I got to thinking about all this and realised the similarities between the doa and positive thinking.
It's been proven when you think and talk about good things, then those good things tend to happen. It's like the concept of "Whatever your mind can believe, you can achieve."