Welcome to my world of utter crap and other shit like that

Now that the anger is out of my system..or is it? I will be whoever I am.
Does this make sense? No right?
I don't care, I don't want to make sense anymore. Aiyo I'm going to be 25, and I'm talking crap still.

I'm just glad the New Year's party has been taken care of.

And I have this new guy I met. The pressure is sooo.. on me to be in a real relationship. Pada hal aku tak sure sama ada aku suka dia. Bila aku story kat Ratu pasal dia, Ratu kata "Nyah, you don't sound that enthusiastic about him."

Ye lah, aku baru kenal dia, and dah dia kata dia sayang aku and kata we have this great connection. BUT, the main thing that bores me is that aku tak puas dgn dia- frankly speaking- hari tu when he came over to my place, he was obviously satisfied. But I, aku..Potong stim lah hari tu. We were having fun, then it got a bit messy so I got turned off lah. Anti-climax. Dia puas lah becoz he got what he needed. I got the worst part of the deal. Aku tak puas. Can I just say that? I'm not fucking satisfied? I mean, hello, I do all this crap so that I can get laid. I don't need to be even writing about this. If it's not there it's not there lah.

Tapi, because aku ni very the understanding person, very the patient and polite person; I will still meet him again. dia kata nak jumpa Christmas day. Aku tak nak predict what will happen. I rather focus on other stuff. I will just meet him and tengok macam mana. Yang penting, aku nak puaskan hati aku. I can't be serving other people's needs all the time. Bosan sial!


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