In the movie 'Chasing Amy' Ben Affleck's gay friend was making a point about how people have been involved in hedonism since the beginning of time.

"The world would be a better place if people just accept that there's nothing new under the sun. And anything you can do to a person has already been done long before YOU got there."

Here's the 411: Ben Affleck fell in love with a lesbian chick. Affleck's under the dillusion that he's the FIRST guy in her life, until he finds out that she had been with three guys during high school. But then, this girl was experimental (i.e threesomes, fucking men, women, etc). Affleck freaked out when he found out about the girl's colourful past. He just couldn't handle it because he was less experimental than the girl.

It just got me thinking.

People have probably been "creepin' around on the down low" (TLC's Creep song) since the beginning of time.

Everywhere you go people are the same. People live the same way. People's needs are the same everywhere you go.

If I thought that this town had no fucking 'scene', that perception was overruled when somebody pointed out a place that had a scene. And it wasn't the place I was told about before.

So now there's two places in this town. Another friend of mine later told me about a third place.

I went around the area the other night, and there they were. Guys dressed EXACTLY like those guys in KL. All of them were in groups, probably just hanging out- talking crap.
That's fine with me.

But the problem is that place is so dangerous- police scout the area frequently.

And after that night, I never went again. Just didn't feel like it. Then I had a fever, so that was that.

This town is just like any town. I've been around this country quite a lot. I've lived on all corners, either for a while or a few years. The more I travel around I realise people are the same everywhere you go. With the North-South Highway, east Coast Highway, the internet, and being broadcast nationwide; people are generally the same. seriously. The adults, kids and teenagers act the same, dress the same. The only difference is that hey speak in different dialects. But Malaysians are all the same: we work, play, shop at the hypermarket, scout for pirated DVDs, get drunk, get high, get laid and complain about incompetent drivers on the road. I love this country.

I used to hate it: too outdated in terms of entertainment, too conservative, too narrow minded. Now it's slightly better.

I love that you can get everything in this country. Anything. Any vice you crave is available here, it's not a problem. Any food is available here. It's a country of wide contrasts- one day you're in Kuala Kedah in a quaint fishing village meeting a girl born without her legs, the next day you're in the city- you're dancing in a nifty club, people are rambling on their nokia camera phones.

Traveling from the city to that fishing village is not that hard either. It's a small country, we get around.

You can do anything in this country. The sky's the limit. Tepuk dada tanya selera.


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