Today was less "gabra" than yesterday. I just realised I went through a sort of Monday blues. I haven't been off on a weekend for a very long time. So when I started work Monday I was feeling strangely glum and unproductive. And my brain was scattered all over the place. No wonder. It was the Monday blues!
I haven't experienced Monday blues in ages
I've been working weekends for many months now. I like working the weekend because you are on your own and things are slightly relaxed as compared to a normal weekday. You only need to watch out for kick-ass crime or huge ass stories. Else from that, weekends for me is kinda fun. So when I was off last weekend, I found myself enjoying a Saturday for the first time in months. I spent the day watching back-to-back episodes of Gossip Girl. I ate a yummylicious Big Mac meal. I watched the Dark Knight on the cinema again! Ahh, it was a lovely Saturday. I capped off the day with having a Caramel Machiato latte from Starbucks for buka puasa. I also met up DJ Zhen Pei and we sat down to Starbuck...Again!
Today, I quickly finished off work before 4pm-ish. Now I'm blogging. Later, I fully intend to jog. Jogging, baby. I need to lose those pounds and be super sexy for Raya. I can't believe I said that. But, yes, I need to be healthy. Health is wealth, okeyyyyyy. I was SMS-ing my pal last night and steered into the "Unfulfilling sexual encounters" topic. Gosh. So many, including myself are complaining about this shit. But what to do? As long as we don't wise up, we're gonna be stuck in this cycle of meaningless liaisons. To get out of this cycle is easier said than done.
Maybe, we need help. Professional help.
Or maybe we need to go back to how it was in the old days: support system. Surround yourself with people, be they family members, friends, lovers, erratic neighbours, colleagues. Being Alone In Your Own Thoughts is worst than being Alone But Surrounded By Busybody People Who Actually Care.
Before I take leave, I want to sing the Coldplay song "Lost". Ahehemmm... (clearing throat)
LOST.....From Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends
Just because I'm losing
Doesn't mean I'm lost
Doesn't mean I'll stop
Doesn't mean I'm across
Just because I'm hurting
Doesn't mean I'm hurt
Doesn't mean I didn't get what I deserve
No better and no worse
I just got lost
Every river that I've tried to cross
And every door I ever tried was locked
Ooh-Oh, And I'm just waiting till the shine wears off...
You might be a big fish
In a little pond
Doesn't mean you've won
'Cause along may come
A bigger one
And you'll be lost
Every river that you try to cross
Every gun you ever held went off
Ooh-Oh, And I'm just waiting till the firing stops
Ooh-Oh, And I'm just waiting till the shine wears off
Ooh-Oh, And I'm just waiting till the shine wears off
Ooh-Oh, And I'm just waiting till the shine wears off...