Off Day

(the first part of this blog was censored)

I hate talking about this anymore or even blogging about it. Perlu ke?

A lot of people have some sort of substance abuse.

Scott Weiland of Stone Temple Pilots was heavily into heroin.
Elton John was addicted to both food and sex.
I read about this famous Russian ballerina who was also addicted to sex.
Robert Downey Jr has been in and out of rehab
Jaquin Phoenix recently checked himself into rehab.
Bob Marley always got high.
Madonna desperately had to be naked all the time.

We all need stuff to distract us from reality. It's just that it might get out of hand sometimes. When that happens then you no longer have control and that THING you're addicted to assumes a life of its own.

Solution? Substitution. Distraction. Activity--- rigorous activity that involves being creative.
Examples? Sports such as soccer. Dancing.

Got it? Now go forth and DO. I'm through with merely talking or writing about it.


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