Perlis Guy
Last night was nice. I stayed up real late and talked to this guy from Perlis. He was 21, and studying at the UiTM branch there. Said he often comes down and hangs out till dawn. Yeah, right- hanging out till dawn, sleeping in his Kancil while parking it at Caltex?
Been here, done this.
So how would it end? Will I get bored after two dates? Or maybe, the classic: he'll just won't reply my SMSes.
Anyways, we stayed up watching Cellular on DVD. Kick ass movie- Kim Basinger screaming her lungs out as the smart yet vulnerable hostage. Not since Batman has Miss Basinger had her vocal skills portrayed that much. There was William H. Macy, more famous for his roles in Boogie Nights, Magnolia, etc. And a bunch of 20-something actors looking pretty and buff. Hate them.
The movie kept Perlis Guy awake throughout the night while I was trying to sleep next to him in the living room.
I'm in a position where I don't care at all. Fuck it. I'm a serial 'lay-er', going out of my way nightly to get the best bang in town. So whatever I do, whoever I meet, I know that it has a 90 per cent chance of not lasting.
So here I am. Commitment-phobic me. Get-bored-after-two-dates me.
I think the only time that I've actually loved someone/something was my cat during my childhood. Jingga, his name was.
Loved that cat. Threw a big tantrum/drama when Jingga ran away when we brought him to KL in a cage. Thankfully we got him back. But several years later, he went missing and never came back.
Love. What the fuck is that? It'll be a miracle for me to love myself enough to actually care about a guy. It just never happens.
I 'get' the concept of friendship, and how you can be friends for life. Being there for your friends in their time of need. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
But a relationship? Dude, I am so fucking clueless to what that is. I've had people telling me they love me after three dates, and I'll be going: "What the hell! I don't even know you and you don't even know me. If this doesn't work out then all that declaration is just wasted."
Fuck relationships. I got friends. I got a job- so it keeps me occupied most parts of the day. I got salary. I got health. I got a sound mind.
But why oh why (here comes the cliched generation Y motto) do I feel like there's something missing.
I don't know you idiotic bunch of generation X and Y. Go out do what you want. Keep yourself occupied. get a job. Study. Do volunteer work. OR, go out on a motorcycle expedition across South America and come out of it feeling passioned to champion the rights of the poor and helpless, thus sparking within you to start the Cuban Revolution (refer to movie 'The Motorcycle Diaries').
A tagline from the movie goes:
Last night was nice. I stayed up real late and talked to this guy from Perlis. He was 21, and studying at the UiTM branch there. Said he often comes down and hangs out till dawn. Yeah, right- hanging out till dawn, sleeping in his Kancil while parking it at Caltex?
Been here, done this.
So how would it end? Will I get bored after two dates? Or maybe, the classic: he'll just won't reply my SMSes.
Anyways, we stayed up watching Cellular on DVD. Kick ass movie- Kim Basinger screaming her lungs out as the smart yet vulnerable hostage. Not since Batman has Miss Basinger had her vocal skills portrayed that much. There was William H. Macy, more famous for his roles in Boogie Nights, Magnolia, etc. And a bunch of 20-something actors looking pretty and buff. Hate them.
The movie kept Perlis Guy awake throughout the night while I was trying to sleep next to him in the living room.
I'm in a position where I don't care at all. Fuck it. I'm a serial 'lay-er', going out of my way nightly to get the best bang in town. So whatever I do, whoever I meet, I know that it has a 90 per cent chance of not lasting.
So here I am. Commitment-phobic me. Get-bored-after-two-dates me.
I think the only time that I've actually loved someone/something was my cat during my childhood. Jingga, his name was.
Loved that cat. Threw a big tantrum/drama when Jingga ran away when we brought him to KL in a cage. Thankfully we got him back. But several years later, he went missing and never came back.
Love. What the fuck is that? It'll be a miracle for me to love myself enough to actually care about a guy. It just never happens.
I 'get' the concept of friendship, and how you can be friends for life. Being there for your friends in their time of need. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
But a relationship? Dude, I am so fucking clueless to what that is. I've had people telling me they love me after three dates, and I'll be going: "What the hell! I don't even know you and you don't even know me. If this doesn't work out then all that declaration is just wasted."
Fuck relationships. I got friends. I got a job- so it keeps me occupied most parts of the day. I got salary. I got health. I got a sound mind.
But why oh why (here comes the cliched generation Y motto) do I feel like there's something missing.
I don't know you idiotic bunch of generation X and Y. Go out do what you want. Keep yourself occupied. get a job. Study. Do volunteer work. OR, go out on a motorcycle expedition across South America and come out of it feeling passioned to champion the rights of the poor and helpless, thus sparking within you to start the Cuban Revolution (refer to movie 'The Motorcycle Diaries').
A tagline from the movie goes: