3 doors Down, the band which brought you that lovely busyuk ballad Here Without You is back! And they are rocking hard as ever. I am so glad they went back to their raw rocking roots instead of harping on their jiwang-ness. Their last few singles were all very sappy and lovey dovey for my taste. I suppose some suits thought they should re-create their "Here Without You" hit. That's the weird thing lah. 3 Doors Down is a rock band with big macho guitar sounds and lyrics about sensitive men who disguise themselves as cocky rock'n roll stars. But ironically their biggest hit came from a sugary love ballad. Don't get me wrong- I LOVE Here Without You. Until this day, the song reminds me of a special someone I used to date. But apparently the band is not all about meleleh jiwang songs. But I still love that song...it's the kinda song you love to hate, but can't get away from. You can't escape the song, especially during its heyday around in 2003/2004.

The unfair bit is when people start judging you based on a hit song. Reviewers would like to say things like, "they never lived up to their previous hit, Here Without You" or "they could never top their previous albums." Musicians face a lot of pressure in this matter.
But every audiophile would agree that no artiste could be defined by a single song. Or at least, they shouldn't be defined based on one song.

On Snogging music producers..............
I want to make out with the person who made "The Girl Next Door" movie . I want to snog the person who selected the songs which were used in the movie. It is as if the guy/gal totally read my fucking mind. Maybe we were separated at birth. What are the chances that ALL your favourite songs were used in one film?
I want to thank the "Girl Next Door" person who chose the songs:
-Take a Picture by Filter
-This Year's Love by David Gray, and
-Lucky Man by The Verve.

I absolutely love these three songs, and they mean a great deal to me. They are meaningful songs in my life. I never dreamed that someone would use the songs in a film.

Dude, you gotta hear the songs and savour the lyrics...it gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. And the videos for the first two songs are so great, in my opinion.

And have I mentioned that I also love the movie....


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