I am so fucking exhausted. I have been working non-stop for more than nine days. And I have been guiding a new staff in my company. The double workload may seem like peanuts to some people, but I am starting to get stressed out from continuous work. I admit to being envious of my other colleagues who get their two off days. But this blog posting ain't about being envious of other people. I am taking full responsibility for my life and all my actions. I will not blame others or blame circumstances for my own being.There is no way I could not simply take an off day as I have to guide my new staff. Of course, I could not possibly leave him alone, especially during this first week. I don't have to question my responsibility during this past week.
But now I am entering my second week of guiding this newcomer. And I have been working non-stop. He thinks that we could simply get off days during the weekends. I have given him an off day for Friday and Saturday.I will take an off day on Sunday. I reckon that I will leave him on a relatively "easy" day. Sunday is a good day to leave him alone. I can't help but think about a friend who complained about being a state correspondent. I remember how my friend complained about her new staff and the hardship she went through in training her new staff.
Anyway, back to my story....
I get it. I am supposed to guide my new staff, and I must deliver good stories. Exclusives, byline, scoop, story, assignment, and PC are among the words I MUST teach my new staff. Let's call this new staff McCartney, or Mac for short. I must teach him the tricks in using Editor.I must teach him the house style. You must do all that for his sake and for your own sake.
I am writing as a person who knows his responsibility. This is coming from a matured (I hope so)person who knows his duty and accepts his responsibilities.This is not coming from an irresponsible man. This is not a blog entry in which I feel bitter about my life. I am not gonna wallow in self pity. Instead, I am taking full responsibility over my life, my actions and how I feel. This is a post about my life and what I feel right now.
But now I am entering my second week of guiding this newcomer. And I have been working non-stop. He thinks that we could simply get off days during the weekends. I have given him an off day for Friday and Saturday.I will take an off day on Sunday. I reckon that I will leave him on a relatively "easy" day. Sunday is a good day to leave him alone. I can't help but think about a friend who complained about being a state correspondent. I remember how my friend complained about her new staff and the hardship she went through in training her new staff.
Anyway, back to my story....
I get it. I am supposed to guide my new staff, and I must deliver good stories. Exclusives, byline, scoop, story, assignment, and PC are among the words I MUST teach my new staff. Let's call this new staff McCartney, or Mac for short. I must teach him the tricks in using Editor.I must teach him the house style. You must do all that for his sake and for your own sake.
I am writing as a person who knows his responsibility. This is coming from a matured (I hope so)person who knows his duty and accepts his responsibilities.This is not coming from an irresponsible man. This is not a blog entry in which I feel bitter about my life. I am not gonna wallow in self pity. Instead, I am taking full responsibility over my life, my actions and how I feel. This is a post about my life and what I feel right now.