It was an emotional two days. Alang, my aunt, died yesterday. She was suffering from bleeding in her brain and her condition was very critical before she passed away. I kissed her cheeks before they buried her. It was cold and her face looked so different, so lifeless. Not the usual Alang I had known since I was a kid.

The last thing Alang told me last Hari Raya was: "Engkau ni orang muda, takde ilmu.Aku tahu. Aku tengok kau aku tahu kau takde ilmu."

She'd always had something stinging to say every time I saw her, not just directed at me but to my brother and sister as well. Alang would always say what she feels.

I remember her most when she took care of me while my parents were away performing the Haj. We slept in the same room and I thought it was weird how she would talk in her sleep and all. But she took good care of me. She even scolded me once when I didn't finish my homework.

I remember thinking I could get away with not doing my homework. I thought I could get away considering my parents were not around. When Alang found out, she was so angry. I was surprised that she was angry- I thought being my aunt that she wouldn't care. But she did care.

I remember seeing her last year and noticing how much older she looked. Even my mother looks so much older nowadays, my dad too.

Ya Allah, bless my aunt and her soul. May she rest in peace. Amin.


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