I'm back......It was a great gang! The Vietnam gang, I mean. We were a bunch of fabulous and happy-go-lucky people. There were nine of us , and none had ever been to Vietnam. I'm sure none of us ever imagined going there before this trip. But I can tell ya the coffee there is great! The shopping is fun and the weather was so fucking hot. But hell, I live in the north, so it wasn't a big deal for me. But it was an experience, y'know? Saigon has four million motorcycles, so you can imagine the number of 'cyclo"as they call it were on the road. And the people are so openly affectionate--we saw dozens of couples, men with their woman, locking lips in the public park. The nyahs in our group screamed "hah, bercium tuh, pegang tetek lagi...."everytime we drove past public parks at night.

Nanti I story you later later, okay....have a great day


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