OK its almost 1am, I'm still at the cyber cafe.

I guess I should get going, i got that assignment at 8.30 am.

I guess nobody'd perfect. I think I have a shitty life, but then june's got all these problems as if the world is falling down on them. And hunny bunny, you may have so much worries, but I know everything will work itself out...

it's just I got to start doing things that I want. And stop being jealous of other people's achievements. I always make it a point not to be 'dengki' with other people's fortune. I tell myself I should focus all my energy on doing what I want to do, achieving my dreams. Just, simply put, living the kinda life I always wanted to live.

At one point during my life, back in college- I was pouring so much emotion in my journal rather than translating all my thoughts to action. I wrote a lot of shit about my friends but I just grinned and bear it when I'm in front of them. So thaat's why I told myself one day, I'm going to stop writing about life and just live my damn life.


It's all cool now, really. I've been pissed off in the past, but I'm no longer like that.



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