Aku dah bosan writing about other people..people's song's, what they mean to me..Wah...cukup lah bang.
Now, time to bukak cerita pasal aku. After all darling, the world revolves around me, at least in this blog.
OK. First up, my house got broken into AGAIN. It's the second time thieves broke in. They took two digital cameras, my own Canon and a Nikon which the guys in the office use. Crap, y'know.
I've been listening to the Oasis album--What's The Story Morning Glory? (1995). Especially love Wonderwall and Don't Look Back in Anger. And of course Champagne Supernova!
Back to my house. The crooks broke through the kitchen window by removing the metal bars on the 'Nako' windows and removed two sheets of glass panes. Imagine my horror when I returned home from work and saw my window panes removed. Damnation!
By the way they broke in while I was at work, just like before. They rummaged the stuff in my bedroom looking for God knows what. Suprisingly they didn't steal my international passport, my DVD player, my CD radio player, Ally's TV and my dignity. The after effects left me scared shitless. That same night, after lodging the police report, I bravely slept in my apertment alone. I SWEAR, i felt the bed move at around 6am. I thought someone was in the house. When I switched on the lights there was no one. Dreaming? Paranoid? Going Crazy? Traumatised? All of the above?
The next night I slept over MR Chan in da House's house. Relieved. Had fun. Watched Maid in Manhattan in which Mrs Marc Anthony plays a no-nonsense working class mom in Nu Yawk City.
Few weeks ago, I got into this nice little Ramadan ritual. I'd come back from work, eat, watch an episode of ER on DVD, and read a chapter from 'To Be Someone', the book I'm trying to finish.
I actually looked forward to the ritual. But the ritual just went down the drain this past week.
I plan to move house so I gotta look for a place lah.
Notice how this entry is so jumbled up? I write about my house being broken into, and then all of a sudden write about something else and then talk about my house again.
Seriously, that's how my brain works now. It's all just so jumbled up. I can't remember everything all at once, so whatever I remember I write down. then later when I recall somethin else I write it down in the middle of another idea.
TODAY, I woke up to Johnn Cougar Mellancamp's Jack and Diane song. SWEET! there was this other great song I woke up to, but forgot what is was. all I can say is the songs this morning were really great. I feel so good when I hear wonderful songs when I wake up in the morning. It just makes my day, y'know. FIELDS OF GOLD by STING!!! That's the other song I heard this morning. Mix FM is quite lovely today. Tonight I heard Snow's INFORMER when I was taking my shower. Haven't heard that track in ages!
NOTE: look for Mellancamps' greatest hits record.
Little ditty about Jack and Dianne, two American kids growing up in the heartland. Jackie's gonna be a football star, Diannes gonna sit at the backseat of Jackie's car...
Later today I drove around the rural roads and listened to Fall Out Boy. I just wanted to wander around, y'know. That's why I refused my colleagues invite to break fast. Feel kinda guilty also coz they ARE my friends. But I really needed some ME time. Woah..takde lah. I reckon it'll do me good.
I used to be a loner always prefering to be by myself most times. Now I know it ain't that healthy. By nature I'm kind of a loner. But for a few years now, I've realised the therapeutic benefits of hanging out with people. It actually makes you feel more sane and normal, whatever 'normal' means.
I feel different after I spend a few days by myself. I get overly sensitive, a bit cranky and my disposition becomes very cold. Hanging out with friends makes me feel more 'alive' and alert. Being alone makes me feel out of touch with the world.

ALONE IN THE CITY: In one episode Carrie braved the odds and sat at a sidewalk cafe alone. She wanted to prove that being single is not the end of the world. You can be single and fabulous--without a book to hide behind when dining out.
Aku dah bosan writing about other people..people's song's, what they mean to me..Wah...cukup lah bang.
Now, time to bukak cerita pasal aku. After all darling, the world revolves around me, at least in this blog.
OK. First up, my house got broken into AGAIN. It's the second time thieves broke in. They took two digital cameras, my own Canon and a Nikon which the guys in the office use. Crap, y'know.
I've been listening to the Oasis album--What's The Story Morning Glory? (1995). Especially love Wonderwall and Don't Look Back in Anger. And of course Champagne Supernova!
Back to my house. The crooks broke through the kitchen window by removing the metal bars on the 'Nako' windows and removed two sheets of glass panes. Imagine my horror when I returned home from work and saw my window panes removed. Damnation!
By the way they broke in while I was at work, just like before. They rummaged the stuff in my bedroom looking for God knows what. Suprisingly they didn't steal my international passport, my DVD player, my CD radio player, Ally's TV and my dignity. The after effects left me scared shitless. That same night, after lodging the police report, I bravely slept in my apertment alone. I SWEAR, i felt the bed move at around 6am. I thought someone was in the house. When I switched on the lights there was no one. Dreaming? Paranoid? Going Crazy? Traumatised? All of the above?
The next night I slept over MR Chan in da House's house. Relieved. Had fun. Watched Maid in Manhattan in which Mrs Marc Anthony plays a no-nonsense working class mom in Nu Yawk City.
Few weeks ago, I got into this nice little Ramadan ritual. I'd come back from work, eat, watch an episode of ER on DVD, and read a chapter from 'To Be Someone', the book I'm trying to finish.
I actually looked forward to the ritual. But the ritual just went down the drain this past week.
I plan to move house so I gotta look for a place lah.
Notice how this entry is so jumbled up? I write about my house being broken into, and then all of a sudden write about something else and then talk about my house again.
Seriously, that's how my brain works now. It's all just so jumbled up. I can't remember everything all at once, so whatever I remember I write down. then later when I recall somethin else I write it down in the middle of another idea.
TODAY, I woke up to Johnn Cougar Mellancamp's Jack and Diane song. SWEET! there was this other great song I woke up to, but forgot what is was. all I can say is the songs this morning were really great. I feel so good when I hear wonderful songs when I wake up in the morning. It just makes my day, y'know. FIELDS OF GOLD by STING!!! That's the other song I heard this morning. Mix FM is quite lovely today. Tonight I heard Snow's INFORMER when I was taking my shower. Haven't heard that track in ages!
NOTE: look for Mellancamps' greatest hits record.
Little ditty about Jack and Dianne, two American kids growing up in the heartland. Jackie's gonna be a football star, Diannes gonna sit at the backseat of Jackie's car...
Later today I drove around the rural roads and listened to Fall Out Boy. I just wanted to wander around, y'know. That's why I refused my colleagues invite to break fast. Feel kinda guilty also coz they ARE my friends. But I really needed some ME time. Woah..takde lah. I reckon it'll do me good.
I used to be a loner always prefering to be by myself most times. Now I know it ain't that healthy. By nature I'm kind of a loner. But for a few years now, I've realised the therapeutic benefits of hanging out with people. It actually makes you feel more sane and normal, whatever 'normal' means.
I feel different after I spend a few days by myself. I get overly sensitive, a bit cranky and my disposition becomes very cold. Hanging out with friends makes me feel more 'alive' and alert. Being alone makes me feel out of touch with the world.

ALONE IN THE CITY: In one episode Carrie braved the odds and sat at a sidewalk cafe alone. She wanted to prove that being single is not the end of the world. You can be single and fabulous--without a book to hide behind when dining out.